Hi everyone, I hope you don't mind me butting in here but this is kinda on topic I think, and it would be great to have some up to date advice.
I've been a keen gamer since the first coin-op pong games launched, but in recent years started to grow a little weary of playing, but with the launch of Stalker 2 (even with it's faults) I've been draw back in.
So, my PC is about 7 years old now, custom job, i7-8700K overclocked, GTX 1080 and 16G ram, and is obviously feeling it's age. Past experience has show me the best value for money upgrade for a PC gamer, assuming the m/board isn't pretty much out-dated, is a better graphics card. Having just been made redundant I feel a little self-indulgence wouldn't go amiss as this game is just so perfect for what I most like and I'd like to get a better experience out of it.
I'm not fussed about resolution, my monitor only goes up to 1900x1200 anyway, but more to the point I can't appreciate it once the game is moving, frame rate matters more than fine detail. That said, graphics technology has moved on since my card came out, and I'm keen to see how pretty it can look, especially with Stalker 2's atmospheric environment.
So, I'm not looking to spend loads, I'm hoping to keep within around £300 ukp (~$375us, ~$575aus) but I try to aim for the best performance/cost band and if an extra £50 doubles the performance I'll consider that as it gives longer lifespan in the thing. Currently I'm running at roughly medium graphics settings and the frame rate is acceptable, but I know there's a lot of improvement to had in the quality with a better card.
I'm also thinking of a faster HD and some extra ram, but that's a no-brainer in working out what to get, but anyone who can give any input into some general advice and/or some good choices (nvidia or amd) to start to look at and compare, that will save considerable tedious internet research, thanks!