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Offer all of the best advise we don't want to hear

Beware of those who would try to 'save' you from yourself -- they often have something to sell, or are recruiting for a cult.

Get rid of your victim mentality -- become a survivor instead. That trauma you experienced as a child is over, so learn to see yourself in a more heroic context -- you survived.

If you want to attract people, make yourself attractive to them.

The only human constant is that everyone lies; the only related variable is about what they are willing to lie.

Sooner or later, someone is going to paint you as the villain in their story. Be the one to decide which brush they use.

If the only defense you have for saying something is that you have the right to say it, then what you have said serves no purpose other that to get you noticed.

Those who believe in the supernatural often consider science as a meta-physical "party-pooper", when it reality Science is there to be the Designated Driver.

Losers see a problem in every situation, while winners see a solution for every problem.
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The prize for believing in your limitations is that you get to keep them.

If you believe you can, or you believe you can't, you're probably right.
Avoid posting your personal problems on social media, because your personal problems require personal solutions, not social attention.

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