My parents are looking into buying me oils that I don't want. It is against a promise to myself, and it already tries to "solve" a problem I don't really have. My parents are considering buying some oils that are basically WEED extracts minus the chemicals that make you high. Also, I am 15, if you are wondering. They said that it would help me sleep and make me less irritable.. However, I have made a ZERO EXCEPTION promise to myself that if I end up using weed or a product of the plant it is from, cannabis, then I'd essentially ground myself. Basically, no videogames (even bottom-of-the-Steam-barrel types of games), no talking to anybody on Discord (my girlfriend included), no watching YouTube videos, no making YouTube videos, no watching TV, no soda, I'll make myself listen to Autotuned pop music and/or classical music instead of hard rock or heavy metal (but only when I am working on schoolwork), I won't allow myself to go onto these forums, no junk food, BASICALLY 0 FUN FOR AN ENTIRE MONTH! It doesn't matter how I end up taking it. If I take it, then it doesn't matter, I'd still ground myself. Besides, I am not actually as irritable as they think I might be, and I sleep just fine most of the time. I just have to make sure I don't have any unused energy in my system, take some melatonin, put some Vetiver in my diffuser, put on lighter rock songs such as Led Zeppelin's Stairway to heaven, write down any thoughts and ideas in my notebook as needed, and then I'll just sleep the perfect amount I need. I also don't really need that much sleep to feel refreshed in the morning, so, yeah. As in the irritability department, some the non-weed-based oils my mom already has in the cupboard do that as well, or even better than, that weed-based crap my parents are thinking of getting me. I'm unsure of how to tell them not to even researching it without them telling me to "rethink" my decisions, since it would be a waste of time and (if they end up purchasing it) money that they can use on something else. If they end up acquiring any, I might even just dump out the cup of water they're gonna put a drop of it in and tell them to just give me the medicine I usually take. Also, my dad's coworker told him that he has a daughter that is also on the spectrum. However, her case is more severe than mine and she is 20, two huge factors of "it might not even be worth it for any reason, basically." I'm a man of my word and, I'm sticking to my promise as much as possible and no matter what anybody says to change my mind. I also promised my girlfriend I'll make 150% sure. I wouldn't be able to go without a month without talking to you without losing sanity, so make this promise a sort of two-in-one special, if that's think of that. I don't want my parents to waste money on something for me that they say would solve a problem that isn't actually there, and I might not even take it in the first place; And, if I did take it, I wouldn't let myself have fun for an entire month. What do you guys think of this. Also, I wasn't sure if I should post this in the PDD-NOS threads, since that is my specific diagnoses, or this. However, since this topic has a scientific kind of nature to it, I just posted it here.
I'm going to say this as simply as possible.
always got those oils, throughout the last 3 million years or so, by eating the plant, eating the animals that ate the plant, and otherwise using the plant.
Plants have been producing cannabinoids and cannabinols for at least 3 million years, at least back to the beginnings of the Silurian period.
If they were not beneficial, do you not think that they would have ceased to exist?
They are an essential part of our biology, as evidenced by our having receptors for them, and unique uses for them in the body.
(See "endocannabinoid system")
It appears that restoring the natural balance of these oils has profound, far reaching, and highly variable beneficial effects, on a vast array of "afflictions".
These oils that you speak of have provided immense relief for me, throughout my life, without changing "me", or who I am.
I owe them a huge debt of gratitude.
Outlawing hemp in the U.S. and most of the western world around 1937 removed these essential oils from our diets, the diets of our livestock, and most certainly affected any other uses.
Given the sudden proliferation of a host of ailments and diseases around that time, it is not unreasonable to consider the virtual outlawing of cannabinoids and cannabinols as instrumental in these disease's causes.
7-8,000 years ago, by the evidence found, the ancient Scythians were regularly burning the plant on bonfires(ahem).
Recent legalization trends are allowing these oils to be reintroduced to our biologies and diets.
While it is admirable that you feel adamant about abstaining from "drugs", in this case it is illogical, ill-conceived, and ill-advised.
Think of the larger picture of those plants evolving naturally beside us, or being placed here for us.
We all "know" how "bad" cholesterol is for us, right?
Consider that cholesterol is the single most important nutrient for any child, in utero or otherwise, 'til the age of 7 yrs.
Why? Our brains and nervous systems are
made of it.
It is also used, past that age, for nervous system and brain repair and maintenance.
Without it, we would be dead in a very short time.
It's a good thing that they didn't outlaw
this "bad substance".
Indeed, the outlawing of hemp had it's origins in corporate interest, in making money, among other selfish, greedy reasons.
In considering oxidative stress, and the damage caused by oxidation in the human body, perhaps we should look toward outlawing oxygen.
I was once as idealistic as you, with similar extreme views. Time has a way of educating us and providing a more rounded and encompassing look at things.
Instead of looking for a "personality" that you like(ego shopping), I suggest studying all that you can, from every angle possible, and letting your personality work itself out as a result of the knowledge you gain, as opposed to picking an "ego" that you like, and then trying to find information to support it.
"Insensibly, one begins to twist the facts to fit the theory, rather than twisting the theory to fit the facts."
Didn't mean for this to sound like a rant, or a rebuke. Just know that you should never adopt an unchangeable attitude, as you render growth impossible.
May you be well.