Nothing much. People just don't think that clearly and don't make the best decisions while high.
(I'm going to regret this.

Now we're getting somewhere.
detest that people don't use their intellect and logic.
detest that people repeatedly make bad decisions.
These may be my greatest peeves.
I think that they are what's
wrong with the world.
Wilfull ignorance.
But, this is a separate issue.
Most people are predisposed to not thinking.
They default to making decisions based on what feels good. Based on what will most benefit them.
There are many drugs, and they can all have horrible consequences and effects.
What there aren't, are drugs that change a person's psyche. Oh, they can alter it, and create problems that aren't already there, or exacerbate underlying ones, yes, there can be horrible effects.
But by and large, they usually only bring to the fore, what has been hidden all along.
But the introduction of a drug won't make an industrious person lazy, or vice-versa.
It can only reveal what is already there.
Besides, this is a moot point, as the OP, and subsequent discussion, had to do with CBD, a proven treatment for many things that does not "get you high".
Avoiding it "because hippies get stoned" is the ultimate illogical argument.
By the same logic, be sure to avoid dramamine if you become nauseous, digitalis if you have arrhythmia, opiates if you have severe pain.
Almost every single medicine in our pharmacopea has it's roots in "getting high".
With the above "logic", will you eschew them all?
Most of them cannot be separated from the "high" as CBD oil can.
Your belief and "conviction" is arranged in a backward and illogical manner.
I really do wish you well, and peace of mind.