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My boss had a rough week at work that week. First one guy drove over a puddle of oil, slid and crashed a forklift into a pillar that supported the roof structure of a large building and bent it. That was not a cheap fix. Then another guy hit a company CEOs brand new Mercedes with a dump truck, really crashed into it. It was the CEOs fault, he drove into a off-limit area, but still. And then I rounded off the week by breaking that $8500 scanner. Sounds like I was working at a clown school, it was a rough week for everyone.
There's something special about penguins. They are facinating, such funny little creatures.
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Teenager penguin, in between the baby fluff and the regal feathers.
I will never miss a chance to pay homage to my hero.
Have to mention the great Frank Reynolds (It's Always Sunny), then:
^ There are so many great episodes. I love the one where they all go to therapy (over an argument about doing dishes!), and Dennis has files on all of them that he's kept for years.