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Post something Weird or Random

I saw Pink Floyd in Cleveland Stadium back in 1983 :cool:
I saw them in the Melbourne Tennis Centre in 1988? 1989? Those years are a bit blurred together in my memory. I fell asleep during Shine On You Crazy Diamond and my mates had to wake me up. :)
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I saw them in the Melbourne Tennis Centre in 1988? 1989? Those years a a bit blurred together in my memory. I fell asleep during Shine On You Crazy Diamond and my mates had to wake me up. :)
Yep, a signature song about Syd :p
I'm going to have to plead the fifth on the Cleveland trip on the grounds it might incriminate me :innocent:
I bought a new copy of The Wall on dvd about six years ago.
Haven't watched it yet.

I know, why you might ask.

I'm narcoleptic and once I'm nested in, can hit my REM sleep in under a minute.
I really don't really want to watch it five minutes or less at a time.
It took me months to binge watch 14 seasons of NCIS :emojiconfused:
You go Netflix!

Wow, it's a real picture of you. I can't believe you also like to have freckles in the same areas like I do mine! Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a real freckle maker, so I had to use a crayon. And you also love black collars. You make that one look so stylish, changes its purpose, interesting.
Just five days left until one of the best events of the year. On wednesday Desember 21. 10:48pm the sun turns. Winter solstice. And from that moment the days gradually get longer and longer as we move towards summer. More sun, less cold darkness. :D

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