I have been thinking I often would like to say someone's post is Interesting.
To me, this is different from Informative, because it may be quite whacky or not fact based at all, but still, Interesting.
It's different from Creative because the post may not be about something new or original or contain artistic content or a new way to look at something.
It's different from Like, which signifies approval or appreciation, but the post might be interesting rather than likable, like say on the recent Sliders thread, people were giving experiences of their connection to electrical effects that were mysterious, and (to me) it was Interesting.
Anyway, I often wish I could rate someone's post as, Interesting. I picture the emoji in varied ways, as a thought bubble maybe? Or a light bulb? Not sure, I am not very visual, any suggestions on that?
Do you have any ratings you often wish were available? And what would the emoji be, if so?