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Reasons why I don't get why I was diagnosed with Asperger's as a child

Misty Avich

V.I.P Member
1. Although I was as articulate as my peers as a child (with no speech delays), I wasn't a "little professor"

2. I didn't have special interests until age 11 (and even then they were obsessions with people, not exactly special interests)

3. I didn't obsess or hyperfocus on the interests I did have

4. I was interested in my peers from as young as age 2 (and probably before but 2 was when I was first at nursery with other children)

5. I never stacked or lined toys, I just played with them, using imagination and role play

6. I wasn't very good with constructive toys such as Lego, I preferred playing with the little Lego men using Lego objects built by my older brother

7. I made normal eye contact from around birth (my parents remember I made eye contact as a baby and I know I did as a child)

8. Although I was a very anxious child, I didn't flap my hands or rock

9. I was very expressive, if I was anxious then I'd cry and need an adult to hug me

10. I was scared of a lot of things but not for sensory reasons

11. The only sensory-related things I was scared of was anything that could make sudden loud noises, such as fireworks, dogs, balloons and bells. When I was little I might have cried at a sudden loud noise, when I got older I would just whine and startle (as in jump nervously). I was avoidant of sudden loud noises, but I didn't mind continuous loud noise

12. Though I was shy, I still enjoyed birthday parties once I was there, and would naturally join in party games and other activities

13. I was very chatty and could hold a conversation with both children and adults, talking about anything (not just one special subject, which I didn't have anyway)

14. I could engage in imaginative play with other children, although I sometimes took my games very seriously and get stressed if others didnt follow the rules, but if the game wasn't invented by me then I was happy to go along with their rules

15. Socialising seemed easy and fun to me, even though I could sometimes be hard work, like I'd cry if I had to go last on the swing because I felt kids making me go last meant I was inferior to them or something, or I'd cry if I lost a board game and even hit the child who won (not hard or violently, as I wasn't a violent or aggressive child, I could just be impulsive)

16. I hated being alone. Each weekend or school holiday day I would ask my parents what we were doing that day, and if the day didn't involve me seeing another child (that wasn't my siblings) then I'd put it down to a "I did nothing" day, even if I had engaged in indoor activities with my parents and siblings. Sometimes I'd demand and cry for my mum to phone a friend or relative with children just to give me another child to play with (again who wasn't my siblings, as for some reason they didn't count)

17. I didn't mind change, in fact I loved surprises. The only change I didn't like was if it involved disappointment, like if I was excited about something only for it to be cancelled, particularly at the last minute. I understand this is common in children, but I guess I took disappointment a step too far and would throw a tantrum, even at age 13

18. I seemed very people-orientated

19. I didn't seem "socially exhausted" after school, I seemed quite willing to go out and play with other children or my cousins after school and not want to go to bed at night because I didn't want to be alone

However I seemed more Aspie when I was an adolescent (even though I was diagnosed before adolescence), for the following reasons:-

1. I was lonely

2. I was mentally a few years behind my age

3. I got obsessions with particular people (such as certain school teachers, neighbours, etc), that made my grades slip and probably caused a lot of my friendships to fail. At that age (around 11-14) I seemed unsure of my gender and sexuality (although I was a girl obviously, I knew that, but I felt like a boy inwardly, and even though naturally I'm straight I used to get very obsessed with female teachers, and the homophobes in my class would call me a lesbian and not want to talk to me)

4. I had a lot of child-like tendencies, such as clinging to my mother at social events instead of going off with my peers, and crying at stupid trivial things, and being a bit embarrassing in public

5. I didn't miss nonverbal social cues but I did often make the wrong choices, like I'd be clingy to certain girls I knew didn't want to hang around with me but would reject girls who did show friendship interest in me, even though I could see all the signs but I just made the wrong choice of friends, maybe due to lack of self-confidence. So my social isolation was partially my fault

6. I couldn't cope with PE lessons because I hated team games, as I never understood the rules of the games so I'd often mess up and the other girls would yell at me

7. I had an odd gait and often attracted bullies, particularly when I was walking home from school, due to my "weak and pathetic" body language

8. I often had to sit alone on the bus or in class, even though I didn't want to

9. I confided most of my problems and feelings in my school support worker like you would a best friend

10. I failed stupidly when trying to be cool, for example when I was 15-16 I tried to be cool and confident in PE but was unaware that wearing shorts with unshaved legs wasn't cool for girls so that probably ruined my chances of being cool or popular

11. Speaking of popular, I was frighteningly unpopular

12. For some reason I just couldn't fit in with any cliques, even when I befriended the other outcasts I got shunned and excluded and bullied. I was a misfit

14. I temporarily became quite disconnected from my emotions - only when aged 13-14 on and off, but before then and after then I've always strongly been emotional and in touch with all emotions

I'd understand if I had been diagnosed at like age 16, given the details of my teenage self, but being diagnosed at age 8 with that profile in babyhood and childhood? It just doesn't add up. I showed more symptoms of a highly sensitive child and ADHD, yet they ignored those and diagnosed me with an ASD. And now that some genius has taken Asperger's/PDD-NOS out of autism and all ASDs now are just autism, I feel like I'm autistic even LESS. I'm so confused about it.
Does my profile sound typically autistic-like to you? I know all that, because I have a good memory of my childhood, and my parents remember a lot of how I was.
@Misty Avich Do you have access to the paperwork regarding this diagnosis?
No. I have some, but only of when I first started school when I was 4 years old, as my very out-of-character behaviour got noted. But I settled in to school within 2 weeks, and the behaviours I was showing was ADHD but because I was a girl they didn't seem to think that was the case.
Perhaps you didn't notice something. Memory saves only what we pay attention to. If you were interpersonally unaware, you weren't able to take note of the signs of your own lack of awareness.

I wasn't diagnosed at school because I was a good student, but my parents and some teachers kept on being concerned about possible autism and I had no clue why other than that I was exceptionally talented at math and I was considered shy. The math really stood out, on my first day of kindergarten, I told the caretaker that there were more bananas than children therefore I can have the left banana and told her how many there were in terms of like... 2 times 5 plus 4, something like that, because I could count only up to 5. I think I remember that there were 13 bananas and 12 children. But it doesn't make sense to me that it alone contributed to being called autistic, so there must have been something else. If I were to judge now if someone is on the autism spectrum, I would pay attention to things that I wasn't really aware of when I was a child. I sucked at some kinds of social cues and I don't think I was even aware they existed. It didn't bother me too much, though, because I didn't like to play pretend and I thought it was idiotic to make up fiction like that.
One reason you could be autistic? You like to frequent autism forums. A person who was misdiagnosed and didn't identify with those who have said diagnoses would likely have little to no interest to fraternize with those they feel they have little to nothing in common with.
One reason you could be autistic? You like to frequent autism forums. A person who was misdiagnosed and didn't identify with those who have said diagnoses would likely have little to no interest to fraternize with those they feel they have little to nothing in common with.
Well when you're diagnosed with Asperger's/PDD-NOS in childhood and everyone in your life was told about it by your parents and you were basically known by the diagnosis instead of who you actually are, it's easy to believe it yourself. I've been posting on autism sites for many years, each year I've doubted my diagnosis more and more when talking to people on the spectrum. I've always been confused. But I can't say "I'm a little autistic" because apparently that's factually wrong and that you're "either autistic or you're not". But although I have a couple of autism traits I can relate to with other autistics, I still don't feel like autism fits me in a lot of situations.

But if I'm not welcome on autism forums now then maybe I should leave. :( I have joined an ADHD forum before but most of the members there had autism too so it wasn't much different from posting here, plus it was very inactive.
Well when you're diagnosed with Asperger's/PDD-NOS in childhood and everyone in your life was told about it by your parents and you were basically known by the diagnosis instead of who you actually are, it's easy to believe it yourself. I've been posting on autism sites for many years, each year I've doubted my diagnosis more and more when talking to people on the spectrum. I've always been confused. But I can't say "I'm a little autistic" because apparently that's factually wrong and that you're "either autistic or you're not". But although I have a couple of autism traits I can relate to with other autistics, I still don't feel like autism fits me in a lot of situations.

But if I'm not welcome on autism forums now then maybe I should leave. :( I have joined an ADHD forum before but most of the members there had autism too so it wasn't much different from posting here, plus it was very inactive.

I don't know of any reason that you couldn't stay on this forum. I was saying that I personally don't understand, if a person doesn't think they're a certain way, have a certain thing, etc and thinking that they do causes them daily consternation, if it were me I would not be on forums that focus on that thing I wouldn't think that I am and/or don't want to be. I'm only speaking for myself.
I don't know of any reason that you couldn't stay on this forum. I was saying that I personally don't understand, if a person doesn't think they're a certain way, have a certain thing, etc and thinking that they do causes them daily consternation, if it were me I would not be on forums that focus on that thing I wouldn't think that I am and/or don't want to be. I'm only speaking for myself.
I know, but I don't know what other forums to go on, apart from the ADHD forum I mentioned about. I belong to a couple of ADHD Facebook groups but so many people there have autism as well that I might just as well be on an autism forum.
I know, but I don't know what other forums to go on, apart from the ADHD forum I mentioned about. I belong to a couple of ADHD Facebook groups but so many people there have autism as well that I might just as well be on an autism forum.
What are your interests and hobbies? There are forums for most anything you can imagine and which have nothing to do with autism or ADHD. Years ago I belonged to a forum that was for people who collected certain rather specific types of antiques. It was very specialized but the forum was international. Like most forums the one I used to be a part of also had "off topic", "lounge", etc types of sub-forums for friendly non-collecting chats and discussions.
I recently gave up trying to over-analyze my diagnosis. I accept it because it functionally explains so much about my life that hitherto remained totally mysterious. It's useful to me and my relationship regardless of lingering doubts. I could have very easily spent years (and thousands of dollars) trying to get another diagnosis or possible un-diagnosis.

To me, language is a tool that helps us function in a confusing world, and autism is a tool that is working wonders in my life. Due to the diagnosis, I now have new information to take better care of myself, and my partner understands me on a level I never thought another person could. At this point, what is "true" matters less to me than what is "useful" because otherwise I would fall into obsessive doubting.

If I were in your shoes, I would try to determine what's useful and what's not. I think obsessing over past diagnoses is probably not useful by most people's measurement. And same for posting on this forum: if you find it useful, stay, and if you don't find it useful, no worries. The moderators have made it very clear everyone is welcome here as long as the rules are followed. Good luck to you.
I belong to a rat owners forum but I got flack on there once for being accused of not looking after my rats properly. It upset and humiliated me, being so I'm a huge supporter of animal rights and have an enormous amount of empathy for animals.

But my issues can be very contradicting. One time a therapist who wasn't given any notes of my medical records, suddenly started mentioning autism, saying "have you ever considered getting assessed for autism?" So from what I was telling her about all my anxieties, it pointed to autism in her perspective. I had to tell her that I was ALREADY diagnosed but that the autism label has never fit me.
I don't think I would be completely free from autism unless I get it taken off my medical records, as I feel like it's a burden I carry around. Maybe I should get reassessed.

The reason I joined an autism site in the first place was to educate myself about autism. Although I was diagnosed, I still didn't know a lot about it, because everyone around me were NTs so I didn't really know anyone on the spectrum. So I wanted to chat to others with it. I got comfortable on an autism forum and being so I was struggling in life at the time (20 years old, unemployed, friendless, lonely, etc), I did believe my own diagnosis. I'm still comfortable on autism sites now even though I don't feel I fit the autism criteria any more.

I would say I'm ADHD with autism traits but I guess you can't say that any more, as now autism is just autism. And autism being just autism with no levels of severity or diversion, I feel I no longer fit. I wish people would understand that instead of just going "you're not autistic? OK then, buzz off."

I like talking to autistic people.
Hello. I noticed before that you said you are BAP. Are you BAP or Aspergers? I'm sure you are welcome if this is a place you want to be.
Hello. I noticed before that you said you are BAP. Are you BAP or Aspergers? I'm sure you are welcome if this is a place you want to be.
Well I'm BAP, but I was diagnosed in 1999 so back then it was known as Asperger's. Between then and now it has changed to BAP. So while I feel "autism" doesn't quite fit me, I still have some struggles.
Who changed it to BAP? If it was changed to BAP on your papers that must make you feel better. I was just confused because you don't seem upset about being BAP and you are upset about the older diagnosis which doesn't exist anymore?
Thank you! I dont know what BAP is so I'll read that. It sounds like she did get a reassessment if it changed to BAP so I'm just trying to understand why she's upset about her childhood one calling her Aspergers in 1999.
Thank you! I dont know what BAP is so I'll read that. It sounds like she did get a reassessment if it changed to BAP so I'm just trying to understand why she's upset about her childhood one calling her Aspergers in 1999.
Well it wasn't officially changed on my medical records, it still says Asperger's syndrome and everyone who was told still sees me as that label. But when I discussed this with a therapist, and a doctor, they said something about my condition being BAP now, according to the latest DSMV-5 or whatever it's called. But then I read somewhere else that BAP only applies to NT siblings of autistic siblings or something.

This is why I'm all confused. It's all confusing.
@Misty Avich

I just said that I didn't understand why people who don't "identify" as autistic want to be on forums for autistic people and that it made me personally uncomfortable, and this is honestly why. I never said anything about the whether you should actually be on here or not. I also don't have a grudge against you and I've barely interacted with you, but OK, lie about a stranger.
The thing with being socially unaware in ASD is that people can't judge for themselves if theyre socially unaware because theyre ... socially unaware and dont see it. It's a bad catch 22.
I just said that I didn't understand why people who don't "identify" as autistic want to be on forums for autistic people and that it made me personally uncomfortable, and this is honestly why. I never said anything about the whether you should actually be on here or not. I also don't have a grudge against you and I've barely interacted with you, but OK, lie about a stranger I guess?
Well I'm sure you know who I am, if you don't, I'm Joe (from former site). In that post you wrote here about a week ago that got deleted was lies. You hate my guts.

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