Thank you for saying that. Being shy and introverted I would notice shy girls that I would have liked to connect with, but my anxiety got in the way. Once I was working left stage in a theater production in college and noticed a woman on the crew who was nice and carried herself well. At the close and after striking the set I headed over to the party. There I was, sitting across from her as she demurely sipped her drink, alone. I left soon after and was so very disappointed in myself for not talking to her and and at least thanking her for her work. Then, several years later there was a cute, shy, animal caretaker at a research facility I worked at. I worked closely with the caretakers and developed a crush on her. One day a guy I thought of as a jerk came up to me to tell me that she was a good lay and I should ask her out. I was crestfallen that she would have sex with a guy like that and put her out of my mind.I am an introvert. My mom thought l would never marry. It's amazing l meet anyone. Can't change who l am. Maybe men here can realize some woman are more shy than you are, we are just better at masking.
That is why my advice to us ASD guys who are shy and with social anxiety is to think positively about women and do not overlook the shy ones. As I have pointed out, my spouse, being introverted and shy, felt used by men, so I am very happy that I gave her a choice.
And fer crissakes, relationships need care. Recognize that going in.