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Aw no! You were meant to take longer so I had time for a good composition! <sigh!>

Ok, an easy (weak) one to bring in the new year!

I'm virtually real in every sense,
I challenge the rituals of pounds and pence.
I'm held in chains to lock the past tense,
And hide the tales of your expense.
A quote or quotation?
A quote or quotation?
In a certain sense, I guess, but literal old me wouldn't have the capacity to come up with that! 🙂

I'm virtually real in every sense, - virtual cash
I challenge the rituals of pounds and pence. - see above
I'm held in chains to lock the past tense, - blockchains of course!
And hide the tales of your expense. - anonymises transactions
I look like nought but may be of great value.
Sound like noise but am silent.
Born in fire, I am without end.
What am I?
Well on the other end of that spectrum, I could try Helium atom as an answer and it could even fit better (depending on one's pov)? But again, I know it's not on the button (yeah, I'm fishing for clues).

Diamond could fit but I can't work out line 2.
Metals, like wrought iron. Metal (Heavy) sounds noisy, and wrought rhymes with nought. The other clues not sure fits though, though iron type metals likely occur through intense heat/fire too.
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Another close guess, @1ForAll, but a substance is not the answer.

Time for another hint: Though I be loaded with stones, I am easy to carry.
I got a good one my stepdad told me once.

What can you offer to a man who already has everything?
@AuAL I can't think of anything that fits all the clues. Anytime I think I might have thought of it, I realize one or more of the clues don't fit.

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