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Let's finish the riddle from @AuAL first since his followed next by the game rules stated at the beginning of the thread. Otherwise we will be getting confused as to whose riddle a particular guess is for. Afterwards we will decide how to fit in the riddle inserted by @UberScout. Then let's try to go back to the usual game rules. If anyone is unsure what those rules are, they are stated in the first post on this thread and may be referred to for reference.
I see you guys are stumped so...

"What can you offer to a man who already has everything?"

I see you guys are stumped so...

"What can you offer to a man who already has everything?"

But if they have everything, then they'll already have all knowledge. Surely by definition, the only thing they won't have is nothing? 😏

BTW, you may want to read @FayetheAspie's post #2021, being the OP here and defined the rules of this game. All are welcome here but we need to try and keep to the rules or we end up with confusion as to which riddle is in play.
@AuAL Your riddles are often too hard for me to even have a wild guess much less to figure out, as they might satisfy one or two clues, but not all. So, great job coming up with these, as riddles are supposed to be hard like this. Will see if another can figure it out, or after any more future clues.
One more clue: Say them aloud, can you at last hear my name? There are hints in a few, but one gives away the game.
OK, another “stretch” clue: Am I in the sea, am I in a tree, if you could see me, what would you see?
And one more:
If you only see part, don’t take it to heart.
If there’s more that you could, I’m sure that you would.
The clues, they are ending, but here is one more, in the endings before this, you can find me, I’m sure.
All that comes to mind is something along the lines of a red corpuscle.
But I think I'm being too literal as usual and doesn't fit all clues (as I see it).
@Boogs, I’ll probably be around for at least a couple more hours. In fairness to others, these are all the clues. (Thinking up new clues is not easy - I write all the riddles and clues “off the cuff.”) You should like this one - it’s a very “literal”, grounded one.

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