Thinking up new clues is not easy
Absolutely! I struggle to come up with one's I think others can get, but without giving the game away, so I end up giving the game away!“off the cuff.”
Same here, I do most of these things and other writings without planning or even much forethought in the conscious arena. Just sit back metaphorically and demand what @Outdated nicely terms 'the hind mind' (or was it hind brain? No matter) come to my aid.
My ego just has the job of a secretary - copying it out on the keyboard (and pretending it was all my own work! ).
Unfortunately, Mr Hindmind is on strike currently, and is muttering words like 'caffeine', and 'espresso', and 'energy drinks', and even, if I fancy living dangerously, some breakfast for lunch!
"No carbs, no answers!" it cries out to me.
"I need something stronger than a cuppa tea!"
"Then I'll start thinking vigorously,
On what your riddle seems to be!
I'm bloodless, wasn't thinking of me!Not inside your body.
Also, just to really split hairs, I didn't say blood corpuscle! (although I did mean that, but I can cheat and backtrack with the
Sorry, not seeing it, struggling with this one.