I get what you are saying. Someone did mentioned to me that they don't feel love.
Indeed, a profound example of a "void" that would cover a lot of ground, as opposed to a mere trait or behavior. However that's a trait I don't believe I have. Even though I may have issues with verbally expressing love in a way meaningful to NTs. Much like empathy. That while we may have it, we can't seem to project in a way that's meaningful in the NT world. Which can leave some of us looking like a "cold fish" at times.
So l guess l would ask
@Judge , do your relationships feel one sided? Because you don't know what is expected?
That's a very interesting question.
In the university I was taught, "Everything Is Political". Given that as humans,
our interactions with others are first and foremost transactional in nature.
That one party wants something of another. And whether the other party may or may not get something in return, but usually expects as such, regardless of whether it is truly equitable. In this context most relationships are presumably two-sided. Unless of course one party is either initially or indefinitely unaware of the ramifications of such a relationship, leaving it presumably a "one-sided" relationship. Or that one party is prepared to totally capitulate to the other out of love or need or some other reason.
Do you feel in the hopes to get an answer, maybe you over compensated? In past relationships?
Another great question. I could spend hours on this one. Maybe even days. Even then I probably couldn't come up with a definite answer of yes or no.
Though the first thing that comes to mind is that in each of my relationships that failed, that I could not see it coming and that my overcompensation may reflect in staying in those relationships longer than I should have. However I'm just speculating again.
With the main consideration IMO being that I had no idea I was autistic, or even could be at the time. So I had no real understanding of what was really behind my traits and behaviors, other to surmise that I am "eccentric". Which certainly was of no help to me in so poorly explaining myself to my then girlfriends. I had no way of realizing- or rationalizing a fundamental need for occasional solitude. A factor that IMO might have mitigated some- but not all of my relationships with NT women.
Though one case involved a "functional alcoholic" which in hindsight was a doomed relationship from the start. And in another relationship I wasn't dealing with an alcoholic, but a hypersexual, with a whole different set of social- and sexual dynamics. In her case she dumped me. I'd be tempted to say I "undercompensated" in her case, not being aware of how critical verbal forms of affection were to her rather than physical ones.
Yet while I was masking my traits and behaviors decades before I really knew why, I really didn't bother with intimate relationships. Which may well have accelerated their demise. All except for my OCD. Something I've always hid and continue to be rather successful at it for some reason. Maybe it's just another case of details that most people don't even notice. Good for me if the case.