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Run inside? Run outside? Runner's High?

Boy, this summer has been hot. I know l will resume jogging, l have been home just using walking pad, but it ignites my body to wanting to jog.
Boy, this summer has been hot. I know l will resume jogging, l have been home just using walking pad, but it ignites my body to wanting to jog.
Yes in the morning when I go out it is so hot and humid last weekend I had a scare pretty much heat exhaustion was so dehydrated not good but be careful running in this weather I will continue but I will still go out really early in the morning and make sure I'm hydrated
Early morning, l totally get that. I can't do the afternoon heat anymore. I hit the gym at 7:30 am- to avoid afternoon's sweltering sweatbath. I didn't sleep last nite due to insomnia, but l still jogged as fast as my wiggly piggly legs would allow.
I don't run very well but I like to do what I call galloping (one foot in front of the other and hop forward repeatedly until you get where you are going). Sometimes I just go up and down the hallway like that while listening to music. Does anyone else relate to doing that?
I don't run very well but I like to do what I call galloping (one foot in front of the other and hop forward repeatedly until you get where you are going). Sometimes I just go up and down the hallway like that while listening to music. Does anyone else relate to doing that?
I love the feeling of this movement. I do it when I am excited.
I ran this week, and will run again. It was difficult, but l ffeel better and my mood is lighter. Then l came home and one foot went a portion of my kitchen floor, which is waiting on repair. It hurt, and my hands were sore the next day. But my bone density is better due to walking, jogging, etc. So stay active, don't give up. Find your exercise that you enjoy doing, dosen't have to be running. We took our daughter ice skating, and she really enjoyed it.

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