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Sad little autist


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I just got out of a 14 year relationship with another autistic guy, after a 21 year/offspring relationship with one, who was vastly my senior. Both ended up being very abusive to me. The first one from very early on, the second we had a lot of sweet loving times but alcohol got the best of him. I'm sad. I live in a homeless shelter now, but a women's one. I don't trust myself to get in another relationship now, but, it's early days of freshly broken up. My heart area hurts. It's harder to end this one around the actual relationship because we had some good times, lots of them, as opposed to the first one where the hard part was leaving some of my children. That broke my heart as well. It's a painful feeling in the heart region, and while I know it will heal, right now it hurts a lot.
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This hurts so much to read. Leaving one's children is a lot of grief to work thru. Hoping you can be strong, and continue forward. Any organizations that can try to help with housing?
Any organizations that can try to help with housing?
Here the homeless shelters and the government subsidised social housing are all part of the one system. Now that she has a place in a shelter her name is on a list waiting for a place of her own to become available. I'm not sure how long the waiting list is in Melbourne but I'd lay bets that it's a lot shorter than Sydney or Brisbane. In Adelaide it took me 3 months to get in to a shelter but after that it was only 1 month before I got my own place.

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