Active Member
It really wouldn't when you have such prejudiced ideas about it. The diagnosis doesn't define us, and I'd rather not be assumed to be a stereotype. As you keep showing is a valid concern with your not-very-subtle disapproval of aspie-NT relationships.
Thing is, Asperger's/Autism isn't neccessarily such a negative condition that will cause pain for the NT partner as many seem to think.
I think the general consensus among both NT's and Aspies is that these relationships are pretty darn difficult. How could they not be when neither can fully understand how the other thinks?
I think Mary Terry has a very legitimate point about disclosing. How can a relationship be healthy if one person is holding secrets? Would you rather them find out some other way and then resent you for it?
My ex and I figured out together that he most likely has Aspergers and we are now working on building back some sort of relationship, whether friendship or otherwise but if I had found out that he knew all along and didn't bother to tell me, I would have lost all respect and trust in him, especially because it was a long term relationship.
If you feel your partner would judge you based on your diagnosis, then maybe they are not the right person for you to begin with.