Do you see this as examples of not properly understanding context?
These examples, yes.
This is one of the reasons why I keep saying on the forums, in multiple posts and threads, that context and perspective are so important. If you read any peer-reviewed, scientific paper, it is explained in the "methods" section. What were the exact conditions? The results of that experiment only hold true under those specific conditions. If you change the conditions, expect different results. This is why at the end of the "discussion" section of the scientific paper they will say,
"More study is needed.", inviting other scientists to run similar, but not the same experiments to see if the truth holds up. "Truth" and "facts" are conditional/situational. People who do not understand this, may have a distrust in science, especially when the media prematurely picks up on a single study and headlines it with
"Scientists say,...." then 5, 10, 20 years later, the people find out that what was said may have not held up to other studies.
"Doctors don't know anything." Well, they actually do. They are understanding context and perspective a lot better than you in this case.
The political battles between the far left and right. "Truths" and "facts" are quite different depending upon one's perspective and context. If you are blinded by your cognitive biases and information sources, you will never appreciate context and perspective, with both sides convinced that
"I am right and you are wrong." This is how fights start.
I had to learn all of this late in life and became a lot more aware of my "mind blindness" after my diagnosis. Sometimes keeping your mouth shut is better. Sometimes fact checking is better. Asking clarifying questions regarding context and perspective is better. Am I perfect at it? No. Do I catch myself vocalizing my own cognitive biases out loud? Yes.
It's part of the reason why I ramble on like this, as it is important to me to make as accurate statements as I can. Do I still get things wrong? Yes. Hopefully, others will ask me more clarifying questions and alert me to other facts, and we can learn something along the way.