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Seen as a joke !

also friends of friends i barely knew, or knew at all, would straight up insult me, call me stupid etc, making me think they were also in on it. How could they dare be so bold otherwise? I once brought it up with someone i thought was a friend, and played music with, and he seemed to express suspiciously faint annoyance or suprise at what this person humiliatingly said to my face. The times he was there, he nor anyone else stuck up for me. I also saw home videos of him mocking me behind my back or insulting me on camera. If he ever tries to make contact again ill tell him id rather stab my eardrums with a chisel and hammer than listen to his crap emo songs and he cant cut it without autotune and other studio computer magic! (In the days of analogue we'd have gone bankrupt on audio reels, waiting for a single useable take. The floor would have been a tangled mess of cut magnetic tape from his hash ups)
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I had backstabbing friends in the past who became a couple flat out tell me they did not want me in their group anymore once they coupled up because they wanted to hang with couples. This happened around 2003-2004 at the Bay Ridge Church.

Then I did crap with my life until 2019. I stupidly thought 5 years later things would change but many failed groups and two churches former one with a new one and the current new one looking like failures only accepting neurotypicals I am worse off angrier, jealous and envious then ever after a former friend backstabbed me and after a horrible textationship. I regret ever wasting 5 years of my life. I am more lonely bitter and basically only have two couples as friends no female friends that are single at all just fake acquaintances.
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I'm starting to believe that Patricia is my only hope for a female single friend. She mentions some on how men hurt them and I tell her I will just want to be friends with them. I also think after a couple of emotions meltdown in person after social shipwrecks and linking that autism video and telling her to do research on level 1 autism I think she is understanding that trying these social groups is not working.
YMMV, but I spend almost zero time thinking of what other people said/did in passing
My results certainly did vary. People with at least a little social capital can reduce their concern about what others are saying about them.

On the other hand, the narrative that people invent for us has real consequences. If one becomes the focus of an influential crowd--say, a bunch of kids in a middle school who talk about how we could be the type of kid who will "shoot up the school"--there can be unfortunate results. Another case would be where a group of people start talking about a lonely and isolated individual in terms of them being a "stalker" or a potential "sexual predator" when there is no evidence or circumstance to support the characterization. Just a few people with influence can poison the well of possible social interactions, create a complete isolation of an individual, and even bring adverse consequences from authorities or interventions that aren't warranted. Most of us have seen this happen. If a lot of people are propagating odious rumors in passing about a person, it's not something society will permit us to ignore. Not that we would necessarily be able to do anything about it.
I was not treated like that but i was mostly ignored at school. Although there were some people who protected me against bullies and such, and i am grateful for that at least.
Hopefully there is a purpose to all these substandard people in our history Tony. We just dont know it yet!
Yea I hope they rot in a hole for causing me PTSD meltdowns, burnouts, losing friends because of envy and going back on antipsychotics causing weight gain.
I was not treated like that but i was mostly ignored at school. Although there were some people who protected me against bullies and such, and i am grateful for that at least.

I thought I wasn't bullied at school until therapy at aged 30
My results certainly did vary. People with at least a little social capital can reduce their concern about what others are saying about them.

On the other hand, the narrative that people invent for us has real consequences. If one becomes the focus of an influential crowd--say, a bunch of kids in a middle school who talk about how we could be the type of kid who will "shoot up the school"--there can be unfortunate results. Another case would be where a group of people start talking about a lonely and isolated individual in terms of them being a "stalker" or a potential "sexual predator" when there is no evidence or circumstance to support the characterization. Just a few people with influence can poison the well of possible social interactions, create a complete isolation of an individual, and even bring adverse consequences from authorities or interventions that aren't warranted. Most of us have seen this happen. If a lot of people are propagating odious rumors in passing about a person, it's not something society will permit us to ignore. Not that we would necessarily be able to do anything about it.
There was an autistic man that kept himself to himself, who was murdered by two women recently. For rumours about a paraphilia which was found to be completely fabricated in court.
Yes. Fairly recently I was in conversation with someone and another came over and put his arms over my shoulders and said: ah, you are chatting to our special Suzanne? Now, one could say that he was being affectionate, but I had the distinctive impression that he was laughing at my expense and that got me feeling paranoid.

I sense that I am tolerated most of the time. Yet, like you say, I am not showy or anything.
Yes. Fairly recently I was in conversation with someone and another came over and put his arms over my shoulders and said: ah, you are chatting to our special Suzanne? Now, one could say that he was being affectionate, but I had the distinctive impression that he was laughing at my expense and that got me feeling paranoid.

I sense that I am tolerated most of the time. Yet, like you say, I am not showy or anything.

Rahhhhh oh no he didn't!

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