I've heard those words used against me quite a lot. Yet I can't see why for most part.
People mistake me being rational about a situation as being cold. Yes, I do get angry (or any other emotion) at times, but I'm not bothered by it that much physically. I'd rather set my mind to "how do I overcome this situation". Crying over something never progressed (at least with me). So yes, people think I'm cold. If it involves emotional situations by others, it's more of a "what would a social person do?" rather than a "I feel for you"... cause no, I don't feel that much emotional bonding over how someone feels. If for example a friends pet dog died, then yes, I can imagine that he's upset or anything about it and would probably portray a specific behaviour. If I were with him, should the same response be triggered by me? I find it rather weird actually... so people showing sympathy through behaviour towards others just looks more like a social thing to do than a rational and logical one actually... (unless you try the road of "well, it is logics to indulge on that behaviour to fit in with a group")
As for being selfish... is selfish defined as "you think about yourself?" or "you dont' share anything?". In most cases I do actually think about myself, but if it involves other people it kinda goes the "what's the most practical and efficient"-route. I can think about other people a lot, yet it's by no way a situation where I forget myself. But actually, the thing that bothers me the most about a discussion on how selfish someone is, is that some of those are started by people who are so not-self-centered, that they would put their own life in danger to help others... and it makes me wonder, what can you possibly tell me that justifies that irrational behaviour over mine?
If it's a material thing... I can share, I love to share stuff. When a friend of mine used to come over I probably went through the hassle of saving stuff on my computer and stuff like that, so I could show him that, only if it were for that purpose (but that's because he's not that much into the digital era actually and I sometimes just knew he'd like to hear for instance, this new band and he wouldn't search for it himself). For food I'm the same... yes, I do want to eat till I had enough, but I'm fine with sharing. For moneyterms, I don't have a problem in paying for a friends food or anything (and I don't make a problem out of just paying rather than wanting it back some time).
I guess I can say I'm selfish enough though to not want any pets or kids. And as for, a partner someone whose idea of a relationship doesn't involve me 24 hours a day. But really, is being selfish the same as "not wanting someone to be dependant on you"?
A final thing... being selfish isn't wrong, as long as you are aware of it and work with/around it. (though it doesn't help that not all situations are that keen on you trying to work and deal with the selfish you). Or, to put it this way; If I try to make the best out of my own life, with all thoughts, ideas and "issues" I might have, why should other people still adress me on those issues. I know my shortcomings for most, and the reason I didn't fix them is because it works for me. And also, as long you don't have any children (or other people that are depending on you), you're actually living life for yourself, not others... and it gets really ugly if people expect you to change your personal "reason to live".