@tripleU . I was just reading your posts about school. I think you are confusing people around you at school and that makes people afraid and even angry sometimes. So a 'conlang' is your own made up language?
Dont do that at school anymore. No one will understand it at all. Just a suggestion. If you talked to me like that, i would not talk to you anymore probably, because i am so old and boring and very serious. I would think you were mocking me.
When you get older, some things are easier. You have more choices. But some things are harder. You have more responsibilities. Discernment is a fun word. It means the wisdom of experience.
Here is some advice to get along better with others. Stop throwing books and jabbing people with pens. That sort of thing is very childish. It also makes people angry with you.
Talk slower in general. Use simpler words. When you can tell that what you are talking about is something other people do not understand then stop talking that way. Let other people talk too and try to listen to what they say.
I have never been to your part of the world before, it seems very strange to me. I know its difficult being 13 years old. This too shall pass. One thing I would encourage you to do is to reach out to other intellectuals online somehow. You will find a few here. Have you ever heard if MENSA?
I dont think you would like being a politician. I think you will end up being a design/ build engineer doing prototyping or find a fancy with numbers. Have you ever studied statistics and dynamics?
Do you understand petroleum refineries and fractional distillation?
Can you explain how waves of light are different than waves of sound?
Do you know that there are professional builders of robot toys? Its called battle bots. Its on youtube. They fight the robots they build in a special arena. Its a profession. I dont think people gamble on it.
Questions like these are things that intellectuals enjoy talking about. But mostly 13 year old boys will just want to beat you up if they think you are showing off your brain power.
I hope it all gets easier for you. Dont give up