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Sigma males

Are you a Sigma Male/Female?

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    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pardon?

    Votes: 2 25.0%

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What if half or so of the description fits but the other half doesn't? I seem to run into that issue with all personality tests.
Written by Andy Summers, the guitarist. Sting would be a stereotype of an 'alpha'. Stewart Copeland is a strong character too, and they butted heads. All 3 contributed to song writing to some extent, which made the band very interesting.
I walked out of a bar once when The Police were playing the bouncer told me they were great before they became well known I thought they were a regga band I like rock, Boy was I wrong. Should of listened to the bouncer. He knew.
I walked out of a bar once when The Police were playing the bouncer told me they were great before they became well known I thought they were a regga band I like rock, Boy was I wrong. Should of listened to the bouncer. He knew.
Their last album Syncronicity is my least favourite although there are some good songs on it..
I always thought this song sounded a lot like early XTC, specifically Drums and Wires. They both played some shows together early in their careers.

(well, enough derailing from me :))
I have no problem with ppl going off topic in my threads, if it to socialise rather than having an attitude of malicious intent. :cool:
Most have a limited life-span, after all. 💀⚰️

Here's a good TED talk by a famous primatologist (Frans de Waal) about Alphas in non-human primates.

These are definitely not the same thing as "human Alphas" of course. The differences are so big I'm still not sure what "Alpha" is supposed to mean in YouTube videos about human society.

"Natural Leaders" are a thing, but IMO whatever they are isn't based on aggression or dominance games.
You see people trying to use those to their advantage sometimes, but it always turns out to be just maneuvering for position in a small-scale "pecking order" (and Lobsters famously do that /lol)

Maybe you've seen the video of Andrew Wilson interacting with a much larger, very aggressive guy in a group discussion? Mostly just entertaining, but it sort of connects with Lobsters and human competency-based organization too :)
There bottom line is:
Ppl do have certain personal characteristics.
Patterns of behaviour may become manifest.

In order to be classified as being on the spectrum, certain conditions must be satisfied.
In order to be classified as having an anti-social personality disorder, certain conditions must be satisfied.
I hope you can see where this is heading. :cool:

You seem to be making unreasonable presumptions on what approach I am taking, the elements/parameters involved in my mind, the seriousness, the intent.

I think this may be part of the problem:

Also, consider:
There may be a personality conflict in motion. :cool:
A selective transcript from the video in the spoiler:

-Sigmas are like lone wolves maintaining their independence and rarely rely on others.
-Many ppl misinterpret the Sigma, confusing his/her detachment for a sense of superiority, but this is not the case.
-Sigmas have rational and logical reasons for distancing themselves.
-The sigma inclination to distance themselves is a calculated response to the numerous disappointments and betrayals he/she has faced.
-They do not tolerate blatant disrespect and entitlement.
-They have zero patience for those who are rudely dismissive of others for no good reason.
-They will completely ignore these types of ppl.
-When someone crosses the line, Sigmas are swift to let them know that such behaviour is unacceptable, reinforcing their boundaries and maintaining their standards of respect.
-They need their space. They have a strong need to regain their bearings and wit. They utilize solitude to achieve mental clarity and analyze their thoughts without distraction.
-Their tendency to get lost in their mind makes solitude not just preferable, but essential for them to explore the depths of their thoughts without the pressure of being present for others.
-Their preference for peace and clarity becomes more pronounced with age, making them swift in their decisions to eliminate any source of unnecessary conflict.
-Most ppl can't handle the Truth. Sigmas don't have the energy to walk on eggshells around these individuals or tiptoe around for fear of saying something that is True but potentially hurtful.
-They value honesty and directness and find it exhausting to constantly filter their words to avoid offending those who can't handle the Truth.
-They value Truth as a means of personal growth.
-They become entirely absorbed in their thoughts, lost in a world of introspection.
-They continually analyse, strategise and envision, often leading to misunderstandings.
-They have learned the hard way that most ppl are painfully judgemental and shallow.
-They have confronted the reality that many individuals are driven by ego, constantly driven by superficial validation.
What if half or so of the description fits but the other half doesn't? I seem to run into that issue with all personality tests.
There are aspects of autism I can't identify with at all, yet, there is no doubt that I am on the spectrum.

In your case, it might simply be a matter of a bad fit or an indication that the the man-made construct is not indicative as to who you are.
"If in doubt, toss it out", is my heuristic.

For me, I can strongly identify with the last video I posted in the spoiler. :cool:

Also, many characteristics in the above transcript do seem, to me, to be traits that "traditional" aspies are purported to have, myself included.
We need proofs!
Here is a recent picture of me:

I think OP is pretty cool, has a good sense of humor, and contributes a lot to the real world and the forum - but I'm really having a hard time taking the alpha/beta/sigma stuff seriously, due to its origins and the kinds of people who use this sort of language (desperate incels, altrighters, school kids, NEETs, neck beards.)

Best thing a man can be is good. What is good, for a man? Well, to an extent, same thing that's good for everyone else plus some of what is good for him individually and he's got to figure that last part out for himself.
Sigma Females:

I haven't watched this yet.
Too many shiny things distracting me.

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You seem to be making unreasonable presumptions on what approach I am taking, the elements/parameters involved in my mind, the seriousness, the intent.

I'm not making assumptions about why you're doing whatever you're doing.

I've pointed out you're using an unproven psychological model (it can accurately be classified as unscientific).
It might still have some merit for some individuals OFC, but it's not on solid foundations.

Where you go from there is up to you.

FYI, Strother Martin's phrase in "Cool Hand Luke" wasn't about communication as such. It was a threat.

It was intended to contrast "old school" methods (as exemplified by "the man with no eyes") and the psychological approach that was just becoming popular (rehabilitation vs punishment and deterrence).
Luke remains true to his nature to the end, but there are consequences.
What if half or so of the description fits but the other half doesn't? I seem to run into that issue with all personality tests.

Good point. Personality just seems to be an illusion, anyway. It's like a series of coping strategies and responses we mistake for ourselves. Character is much more important. If I remember right, you're a Christian, so I'm probably not telling you anything you don't know :)

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