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I do smoke and occasionally drink and do drugs (other than prescription medications.) I don't get drunk often and, if I'm not pushing myself beyond my limits, I don't need drugs but, there are times that is the only way I'm going to even be awake to do what my career demands of me so, I do what I must.

During my down time, I still drink and smoke but, have no reason to do anything else. I'm not a addict, not predisposed to it either just like my cigarettes, and the effect smoking has on my voice and, I like a couple of drinks now and then. Drugs, prescription or otherwise, are tools to me, to be used only when none of the less hard on the mind and body options work to temporarily alleviate a problem that I absolutely cannot allow to interfere with what I have to do.
Not to mention in regards to drugs that the Public Safety Films/Public Information Films can be downright creepy or weird at times.

I am from The Wirral. I live in Durham with Neil (Weth). I'm the NT and he's the aspie. It's works, somehow :)
Ah wow which part I used to live in West Kirby and Heswall! Ah great it's brilliant that you and Weth are seeing success all the very best for the future :)
Why is it that when there's a bank holiday coming up all the adverts on tv are from supermarkets selling crates of beer as if the only way ur going to have fun is by getting drunk and eating a chicken drumstick cooked on a BBQ - makes me sick how society has painted this image of the "norm" and programmes on the tv glamourise this too
Oh my, small world or what! I'm from Bromborough :) I love both West Kirby and Heswall. My mum is in Oxton.
Ah that's brilliant Oxton Bar & Terrace used to do nice food. Best place for food now is Otto's Lounge in Heswall or Chimney's near Bromborough. Think the Traveller's Rest is good too in Bromborough from what I've heard. I like Bromborough Zuger's is amazing too lol!
Why is it that when there's a bank holiday coming up all the adverts on tv are from supermarkets selling crates of beer as if the only way ur going to have fun is by getting drunk and eating a chicken drumstick cooked on a BBQ - makes me sick how society has painted this image of the "norm" and programmes on the tv glamourise this too
My perfect day is on my own....sunbed....cappuccino....chicken rice and peas from a Caribbean.... Cinema then a good game of poker!!!!
The chimneys! Love it there and my grandfather made the best rice and peas in Liverpool! He was also Jamaican and very very cool!
The chimneys! Love it there and my grandfather made the best rice and peas in Liverpool! He was also Jamaican and very very cool!
That's cool yeah I go to Raggas in Liverpool I like it there! I want to move down to London I love London because I don't sleep till really late and London never sleeps!!!
I've briefly touched cannabis although it's such a tiny amount it's barely worth mentioning. I also drink on special occasions such as Christmas or on the extremely rare trip to a pub with someone. Aside from that I don't touch alcohol, I'm not a huge fan of the taste; I can't stand wine, and lager is just awful. The only alcoholic drink I'd be quite happy with is things like Baileys or Disaronno because they're quite sweet.

I recently got hooked on drinking orange squash. I'd would be quite happy drinking that for the rest of my days.
I've always been a "goodie-two-shoes." My step-father always berated me for it, too--he wanted me to be more of a "party animal" or whatever. The first time I got drunk was with the alcohol he provided.

Other than being drunk maybe 4 times in my whole life (I'm in my 40s), I've never done drugs, never smoked, never slept around with people, never skipped school except on Senior Skip Day when I actually asked my step-father if it was okay so I could blame him if I got caught (and then I was only gone for lunch), never been arrested, never sent to the principal's office for being in trouble. I always wanted to do the "right" thing so I wouldn't have to face the consequences of doing the wrong thing. Seemed like bad things happened to me often enough without my causing more of them.
I drank a ton from 15 to 21, as much beer as I could take. Then, a few years later, I took a 15-year break from drinking. Now, everything in moderation.

I've smoked maybe a half-pack of cigarettes in my life, never when sober. I tried marijuana exactly as many times as Bill Clinton claimed to have in 1992. Meh. (Seriously, meh.)

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