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I wanna see what you could do of this


  • IMG_20220829_120340.jpg
    779.5 KB · Views: 54
@Silhouette Mirage -

Is upside down cross in your Ghost drawing the cross of St Peter or something darker?

Definitely darker! But not in a sinister way, I just do it because I think it's silly. I try to lay off of the pseudo-satanic imagery while I'm here (since there are so many christians), but that was an older sketch! I do it so frequently that I don't even see the symbols anymore, lol

I think it was Slayer who popularized that whole silly / pseudosatanic thing and I always though it was hilarious
Okay, I got something for you guys:


That came out of a VR session earlier. A music visualizer program gone berserk. It was chaos, I tell you, chaos.
Oh hey, nice one, I like that.

Also, why am I not getting notifications from this topic properly? I keep forgetting it's here since it's never showing up but it says I'm "watching" it...
Oh hey, nice one, I like that.

Also, why am I not getting notifications from this topic properly? I keep forgetting it's here since it's never showing up but it says I'm "watching" it...

Honestly I don't seem to get thread notifications with the others, either. I just have to check back here often. I'm probably doing something wrong, and it's probably some switch in the notification settings but I don't seem to get alerted for things like that, either.

Well, prior to disabling notifications. I'm one of those people who has to check them all so that was bad news, lol

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