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@Silhouette Mirage -

Your transformation (top picture of post 138) of the photo I posted reminds me of the scene when Ernest Shackleton left Elephant Island.

What's your general process for remixes like this? This is amazing!
Thank you so much. I use the free version of Adobe Fresco and I pretty much just utilize the layer feature. I layer up different images and then start erasing. I have pretty consistently enjoyed the eraser as my most important art tool through time. After erasing different parts of different layers, just a little fine-tuning to make it all come together, hopefully.

Thank you for your kind words and support.
Okay, I've got a few for you guys today:


grid_0 (1).png

grid_0 (2).png

grid_0 (3).png

I was bored earlier and decided, hey, why dont I get an AI to make a bunch of art for me. So I went after one that was a bit more advanced than the art AIs I've shown on the forums here.

A good couple hours of arguing with it later and I've produced these four things.

The dogs (Wheaten terriers specifically is what I'm doing here) just wouldnt QUITE do what I wanted them to do. So many variations but they just.... wont... come out right. It's so freaking close. So close. Needs more finagling.

The more I do this though, the better these will get. But for now... sunsets and some rather odd dogs on equally odd stairs.

Okay, actually, this one (which I also posted in my thread), more than the others, I'd love to see some alterations on.

This took forever to do.

Now I'm going to go to bed and not have to look at the computer until tomorrow, yay.

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