The word "spectrum" is fairly reasonable and it is possible to imagine everyone as having their own unique position, but I do agree that it could be a lot better to further make the point that each and every autistic person is truly unique.
A fingerprint is as good as unique, so why not use this word to describe each person's unique autistic characteristics rather than just state where they roughly are on the autistic spectrum? In other words every autistic person could be described as having their own autistic fingerprint.
It wouldn't be perfect, but in order to conform to the current methods of recording information in a database, each person's autistic fingerprint would effectively be a record and could then be further split down into various measurements (numeric fields) that describe each of the main characteristics and abilities of the autistic person and effectively each numeric value would be a spectrum on it's own. If each value was an integer in the range of say 0 to 100, then even if there was just 5 measurements there would be a total of 10,000,000,000 (10 US Billion) possible combinations which is currently higher than the world's entire human population where autistic people are only a small fraction, although many combinations could never happen (E.g. someone having zero on everything) or it would make them an NT, meaning the number of likely unique combinations would probably be roughly halved (5 US Billion) or even perhaps quartered (2.5 US Billion), but there could be a lot more measurements, for instance with 10 measurements there would be a total of 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 (100 US
Quintillion) possible combinations and even if this was quartered there would still be 25,000,000,000,000,000,000 (25 US
Quintillion) possible combinations. With such a huge number of combinations it would be extremely unlikely that anyone would end up having exactly the same autistic fingerprint and it would therefore be truly unique for every autistic individual. In addition to numerical measurements there could also be text fields, one could for instance list co-morbid conditions that have been separately diagnosed because they're particularly prevalent in that particular person so they could be read at a glance, another could be about special interests and there could be even more, then at the end there could be a comments field for any further information not covered.
It's a damn shame something similar to the above will most probably never ever happen, especially if virtually every so called "expert" and government adviser on autism continues to be an NT who obviously can't possibly ever understand autism like we can. Even if something like this was implemented it would probably be done very badly.
A fairly simplistic type of autistic fingerprint is displayed even when viewing the results of the
Aspie Quiz and different parameters/values are displayed on a type of graph/chart, but this could be further built and improved upon (obviously even though the Aspie Quiz is a useful resource it's not an official diagnosis).
Here is a typical example result: