When you say your sister doesn't exhibit any signs of autism these days, is that in your opinion or hers?I have no very little faith in shrinks who see you maybe once a week. Putting someone on a spectrum by a shrink is BS and a spectrum is just an easy way of looking at autism.
Putting labels on autistic people is stupid. It's for nt individuals that find putting people into groups easier to understand.
I had a sister that was diagnosed as severely autistic on the spectrum as a little kid but doesnt exhibit ANY signs of autism nowadays.
Just about all of us who landed here did so because we felt different to others, and suffered the stress of trying to fit in without ever quite managing it. But never understanding why!
A very high proportion suffered co morbid conditions such as chronic anxiety, depression and other stress related mental health issues as a result. This in turn led to misdiagnosis, drug therapy, and unhelpful behavioral therapy. Or self medication in the form of drugs, alcohol or other attempts to dull the pain of feeling like an alien from another planet. And the heartbreak of a lifetime of failed relationships with friends, lovers, family and co workers.
To many of us the realization that we were on the spectrum, were just neurologically different and our failings were not our fault came as an immense relief! We weren't aliens after all! There were others who've had the same struggles and for the first time we felt understood. We belonged SOMEWHERE!
So now you want to disqualify some of us because, in your opinion, we aren't autistic ENOUGH?
Well sorry, I don't think further marginalising already vulnerable people is helpful in the slightest! And this from people who constantly complain about being marginalized by NT's!!!
Maybe in the future there will be another diagnosis for degrees of autism, but right now the DSM-V is the best (and only) option we've got! And since Aspergers is now lumped into that as well, I wouldn't be holding my breath waiting for it to be changed!