I don’t think faith is about believing something is true, whether the object of faith is palpable or not. I believe that faith is what moves you.
How bold is the stride of intellectual assent, until it meets a serious challenge. Faith is the determining factor. We can say, and truly believe that we believe something is true, but it all boils down to whether or not you will bet your health/money/reputation/marriage on it when the fecal material contacts the rotary oscillator.
I suspect it’s the answer to the question that Jesus asked. “Why do you call me Lord, Lord, but do not do what I tell you?” The answer is because there is ‘belief’, but no faith that it’s true.
If the Lord told you to hold your hand over a flame and he wouldn’t let it injure you, how long would you feel the heat before buckling? Maybe a good measure is whether your faith is stronger than your instinct for bodily self preservation. Because, if you only believe something is true until your belief is tested, it is only intellectual assent and not faith.
So, I don’t see the point in asking if faith is believing in something you can’t prove, when the bigger question is whether your ‘faith’ determines your behavior.
How bold is the stride of intellectual assent, until it meets a serious challenge. Faith is the determining factor. We can say, and truly believe that we believe something is true, but it all boils down to whether or not you will bet your health/money/reputation/marriage on it when the fecal material contacts the rotary oscillator.
I suspect it’s the answer to the question that Jesus asked. “Why do you call me Lord, Lord, but do not do what I tell you?” The answer is because there is ‘belief’, but no faith that it’s true.
If the Lord told you to hold your hand over a flame and he wouldn’t let it injure you, how long would you feel the heat before buckling? Maybe a good measure is whether your faith is stronger than your instinct for bodily self preservation. Because, if you only believe something is true until your belief is tested, it is only intellectual assent and not faith.
So, I don’t see the point in asking if faith is believing in something you can’t prove, when the bigger question is whether your ‘faith’ determines your behavior.