13 things people have bought while drunk
1. This Shower Curtain
Let's all take a minute to appreciate this drunk Amazon purchase
— Morgan Stamper (@MorganLStamper)
July 24, 2016
Why add shiplap to the bathroom when you can hang this? (
$19, amazon.com)
2. 200 Lollipops
Late night drunk purchase
— Meg (@meganfairy)
February 4, 2017
She won't have to reorder for a long, long time. (
$103, amazon.com)
3. A Play Castle
By FAR the best drunk purchase of my life.
— Spaghetti addict (@eeodegaard)
March 11, 2017
Never give up on your childhood dreams. (
$18, amazon.com)
4. Live Caterpillars
Drunk bought caterpillars off amazon a couple of weeks ago. Here are all 5 little guys dreaming of being a butterfly
— Kacper Swedura (@swedurakacper)
September 28, 2015
Ooh, we wonder what kind of butterflies they'll be! (
$17, amazon.com)
5. A Dad-Bod Towel
Best. Drunk. Purchase. Ever. Dadbod beach towel.
https://t.co/FTTaJYkBSd pic.twitter.com/RZpBilkxtM
— Luc De Brouwer (@ldebrouwer)
August 8, 2016
Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen... the gang's all here.
6. A Book on "Extraordinary Chickens"
A drunk purchase I made that I'll never regret
— WhimsyGoat (@Lov3lyGoat)
April 16, 2017
Add this to your coffee table for a
real conversation starter. (
$17, amazon.com)
7. A Squirrel Riding a Horse
@HeleneStJames Helen This was my best drunk eBay purchase
— Phil Barry (@invecta18)
February 26, 2017
Taxidermists have an interesting sense of humor.
8. This Dinosaur Costume
The purchase I made from eBay whilst very drunk has arrived.
(The man was not included)
— Amanda (@Pandamoanimum)
February 5, 2017
Jurassic Park music.* (
$26, amazon.com)
9. A Custom Dog Portrait
i commissioned a painting of my dog while drunk and it was the best purchase ive ever made
— emily (@emiIyfrench)
January 14, 2017
At least the pup seems happy about it.
10. An Actual Dog
best drunk purchase I've ever made was this lil guy, one month away from being a mom
— josie bauer (@josieb13)
March 1, 2017
No one could possibly turn down a face like that.
11. This Corn Shirt
Latest drunk Amazon purchase...I have no words
— alex (@akaWonderBread)
November 27, 2016
National Corn on the Cob Day is June 11, people. (
$20, amazon.com)
12. A Hand for Your Hands
best 2am drunk purchase smol hands
— ken

December 19, 2016
The actual sales pitch: Like high fives? How about high tens? (
$7 for five, amazon.com)
13. 100 Tiny Handcuffs
Having one of those, "Why did I order 100 tiny handcuffs?" moments.
#drunkamazon pic.twitter.com/hYqk56JEQk
— elana scherr (@challengeher)
February 12, 2017
One question: Why?! (
$9 for 12, amazon.com)
Source: 13 Things People Bought When Drunk - Weirdest Drunk Purchases