I own a Nikon 35mm and a Pentax K1000 35mm SLR. As film availability started to become harder to get,and the costs for developing color pix went to the moon,they now only sit in their bags that collect dust.Canon EOS 300X body only no lens, the last of the consumer grade film SLRs made by canon. I had bid on it but forgotten about it, as I was outbid. The person who outbid me withdrew their bids though so I won the 300x....after I had bought the 300v (the model just before) for a few quid. Now I know how people acquire so many SLR bodies. Also bought a lot of 3 of each expired APS film and 35mm film. I also got the week's food shopping delivered yesterday.
My darkroom days ended after I got Adobe Photoshop because the digital darkroom offers tons of choices for manipulating images and no mess.
I made the move to digital cameras in the late 90s,but wasn't all that keen on the resolutions available at the time or the delays on the shutter. They have gotten a lot better over the years.
The camera on my galaxy S5 smartphone is so good,I boxed my last digital camera back up and shelved it too