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The Post a Photo of Yourself Thread

Okay, fine, no more filters. People say it’s best to show your true self without a filter, so here I am. The real Rodafina.

How did you make this?? That is so creative!
How did I make my face? I don’t know, I just lived long enough for it to grow that way.

(I actually can’t tell you, because I’m not sure. Someone showed me this program a few years ago that transformed your face into a horse, and I took a screenshot. It’s an old photo.)
Made a new, comically small dreadlock.
Name's Chip - short for chipolata.
He lays horizontal because he rejects gravity.
My new favourite dreadlock.


I normally think I look better in pictures that someone else took than I do in selfies, but I love this picture of me.

Screenshot 2023-05-22 044744.png
I don't take my picture much, this is most recent. I'm just a little more white beard and wrinkles now, otherwise the same.


  • 20171223_010826 (1).jpg
    20171223_010826 (1).jpg
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Every face tells a story. In this day & age a photo without a filter is a rarity. As if our phones and social media hadn't detached us from reality enough.

The stronger these filters are, the more a person is trying to hide from reality. Turning faces into a featureless haze, all under the illusion of supposed beauty.

This is me - my face has wrinkles, blemishes and seborrheic dermatitis. I'm going bald, and people tell me I carry my emotional sensitivities very distinctly on my face. Through my eyes you might see a glimmer of the struggles that lie within.

None of us are perfect, and we should never aspire to be.

Lets do our best to drop the filters, and take pride in who we really are, and what we truly look like.



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