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The Post a Photo of Yourself Thread

Ahah yes, they are indeed comfy when layered over leggings. My body regulates temperature weird.

I get what I call “the hot-colds”. When I am freezing and too hot at the same time. Or the reverse. My body never makes sense to me in any way. It is like someone lent it to me and it is theirs and they know it really well but I am just borrowing and never figure it out.

What a difference 15 years makes.
This is a photo of me in my late thirties. I don't have one I want to share of me recently yet. I will get one sometime though. I'm just not in the biggest rush to do so. I don't have dreadys anymore. I have pretty curly long hair with some grey in it now.


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On the weekend another photographer I met took a photo of me, in my favourite Christmas hat... He is a fairly traditional portrait photographer...
Sherlock 17A - V1 - Ozie.jpg

Just had to, since I am overdue to share another one of my Outdoor YouTube videos and I had taken this Thumbnail cover shot on the 17th September 2023.
This thread has actually proven that there are no distinct facial features in autistic people, and if I didn't know this was an autism forum I wouldn't have guessed everyone in these photos were on the spectrum.
My youngest daughter just sent me some photos from an album she found at her dad's place. This is one of me at 21, with my oldest daughter (now 30) she was my third born, when she was a baby, and my oldest son, who would've been about 4 at the time. He is 34 this year and amazing, even with a schizophrenia diagnosis. We get on very well (now, after a long period of estrangement). He is doing a lot of chopping wood for money and making gardens and being a great friend and family member.

My oldest daughter is mother of a nearly 3yr old daughter and is setting up her own business as a fashion designer/pattern maker/seamstress.

Next, is with my fifth born, my second youngest son, who is 25 now. He has started his autism diagnosis process recently. He is working as a barista and loving it. Also teaching himself guitar. This was in our little garage studio, when I lived with my kid's dad (not for 14 years, now, I have a new, also neurodivergent partner, now).

And the last one is me doing a bit of recording with my youngest son, who is 18 now. He recently moved to Melbourne, is working in a supermarket and soon going to start a entry level music and sound production course. He plays guitar, sings, writes songs, is teaching himself coding, drawing Manga art and writing amazing stories in alternate worlds. He has the same phenotype as me (ASD, ADHD, CPTSD and "2e".


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My youngest daughter just sent me some photos from an album she found at her dad's place. This is one of me at 21, with my oldest daughter (now 30) she was my third born, when she was a baby, and my oldest son, who would've been about 4 at the time. He is 34 this year and amazing, even with a schizophrenia diagnosis. We get on very well (now, after a long period of estrangement). He is doing a lot of chopping wood for money and making gardens and being a great friend and family member.

My oldest daughter is mother of a nearly 3yr old daughter and is setting up her own business as a fashion designer/pattern maker/seamstress.

Next, is with my fifth born, my second youngest son, who is 25 now. He has started his autism diagnosis process recently. He is working as a batista and loving it. Also teaching himself guitar. This was in our little garage studio, when I lived with my kid's dad (not for 14 years, now, I have a new, also neurodivergent partner, now).

And the last one is me doing a bit of recording with my youngest son, who is 18 now. He recently moved to Melbourne, is working in a supermarket and soon going to start a entry level music and sound production course. He plays guitar, sings, writes songs, is teaching himself coding, drawing Manga art and writing amazing stories in alternate worlds. He has the same phenotype as me (ASD, ADHD, CPTSD and "2e".

Cool-ass hat, woman!

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