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The Post a Photo of Yourself Thread

Ok, to show I'm actually humanoid (just about):

Happy days in the lab, making unofficial use of the fume cupboard while trying to look casual, many (many) moons ago...

My yellow period... (learning to discourage approaches!)

The 'birds nest' years ... (getting MUCH better at discouraging approaches!!)

Culling the face fungus to more manageable levels (ruddy job interviews!)...

At last! My final metamorphosis achieved...

[Remember, we must not allow a mine gap! 😱]

At the top of a small mountain hike. Trail is only 900m long but you go up 300m. Proving it's not the height of the mountain that matters the most, it's the slope. I work for the municipality you see in the background as an Engineering Technologist. Mapping and tracking the infrastructure and helping with the behind the scenes aspects.
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At the top of a small mountain hike. Trail is only 900m long but you go up 300m. Proving it's not the height of the mountain that matters the most, it's the slope. I work for the municipality you see in the background as an Engineering Technologist. Mapping and tracking the infrastructure and helping with the behind the scenes aspects.
I think I read you are in your mid 40s is that correct, you certainly don't look it if this photo is recent. I thought it looked someone in their 20s. Some would say would whatever you're doing it seems to be working for you.
This is from summer time this year with me and my dad at a park. Yes, I am not looking at the camera, I don't tend to like to really. My youtube channel though does have some of me looking face on which are of some age now. I did some as a passtime like the video about a year of my life.


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I think I read you are in your mid 40s is that correct, you certainly don't look it if this photo is recent. I thought it looked someone in their 20s. Some would say would whatever you're doing it seems to be working for you.
Thank you very much for the kind word. It is a very recent photo taken about a week before I posted to this forum. I always attribute the looking young to the hairline. No receding/balding and next to no grey. My barber who is 30 but looks 50 hates me for it. In a joking way of course. Now if you were to start looking at xray's and mri's you'd quickly see the age.
Favorite Cáfe place.


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