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The Post a Photo of Yourself Thread

Theres me and my girl that I have taken like 2 years back :lol:


  • Image050.webp
    37.4 KB · Views: 146
Me and Willow on Valentines day, when we were going out/went out for our meal. :)


Cool photos Chris/Willow. I'm liking the red and black theme. Did you both decide to wear it or was it just coincidence?  B)
Wow, look at Chris's Aspie grimace!

Me and my bf sorta decided together what we would wear when we went to meet some WP members; it was quite funny; Stan was really trying hard to wear just the right thing and look cool. Even more so than me.
Some new ones of yours truly:

Not sure what's happening with the last one. Something doesn't seem right.   :lol:

This pic.


I was bored then.


If you know TallyMan from WP then you would be familiar with this... I did this for a joke and yet made him crack of laughter... :lol:
This section is kind of funny, rather dull (subjectively speaking) ^_^...

I don't even feel physical at all most of the time, just mental, but I do see certain forms of beauty in the physical world I cherish a lot. I do paint faces and landscapes (especially when lighted in a particular way), but not when it comes to my own physical 'belongings' (temporary possessions), coz even if they look good, I never did anything glorious to acquire them (they were just given pretty much by 'natural selection'), neither are they inherent gifts/potentialities I can be proud of as a human being in relation to both myself and others.

By and large, it's ok that the horizon hides my real self, not in vain. I could share an autistic-looking childhood picture of my body, but I thought I could share better things instead related to Aspergerian felt meanings of being/existing.

Maybe I'll start a new section displaying sketches and paintings instead.

Enjoy yourselves ^_^.
holy crap Chris, that's some crazy hair lol

Aye, I've very much adopted the 'messy hair' ideals. :lol:

It needs cutting again though. :( My hair has been growing far too fast ever since I cut it from being below my shoulders to above my ears lol.

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