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The Post a Photo of Yourself Thread

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C'mon guys! Get those photos posted and keep this thread alive.   B)


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Keep the thread alive ? Post pictures ? You're gonna regret that.


2 years ago. Meh. :) Btw...I'm the one standing up. Not the middle on. Not since I regenerated.


*clears throat* Bottom middle


Uhm....yeah. My IT teachers by the way.


Don't even know where this is from


Just thought I'd throw in my hot tub and log cabin for good measure.
Yes, but I don't always look happy. Sometimes I don't feel happy. I am happy all the time it's just that sometimes things get cloudy.

That's me. Being awesome and chilling and **** :D.
The big hat... it's not because I stopped taking acne cream and now I have loads of acne on my forehead or w.e... I'm just proud of my half Irish-ness... seriously... LOL...
I was going to try and find a British scarf to wrap around my chin... but I couldn't find one :(...
Second to the right, SO(I CBA typing out your long username :()?
Nice photos everyone ^_^.
EDIT: Double chins are sexy. Srsly.
TBH, I don't think you can.
Awkward smiles and a cold stare are a consistency... but there's not really such a thing as *looking* Aspie.
Wasn't there an American model or something who had AS?
I know there was a woman on America's Next Top Model with AS. I wish I'd paid attention to that season now, maybe I can find it online.

I wonder if I have an awkward smile and a cold stare. XD
Okay, Okay, here's my photo then...
I don't have other photo's on this computer i will add some more tomorrow....

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I've never been in the spotlights because i never smile, i always look as if i could kill you...

Oh and Calvert my hairstyle, i already have this one for like 17 years...lolz


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