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There's a lot of overthinking going on here recently.


Sort of the pot calling the kettle black, as it pertains to autism. Many of us do get highly fixated upon the details,...a blessing and a curse.

If the specific topic is not particularly important to someone, or perhaps an action is needed sooner vs later, then their perspective is that the other person is "thinking too much".
Rumination the evil twin of overthinking. Overthinking at some point magically turns you into a information dump which continues on until you hit insecurity issues somehow. Like my phone isn't working, why does it always stop working at 1:57 on Tuesday if l ate my lunch late, my phone obviously hates me.

The evil twin grudge factor.
Sometimes I have projects with problems that I have to solve and until I do, I can not sleep or pay attention much of anything else. I think (that is the problem) that it would be nice if I had a switch to shut my brain off for a while. Of course my wife would have to turn me back on in the morning. She might leave me turned off for awhile just to get a break from the weirdness. Oh well, I could use the rest.
Whatta group, love ya all. I have overthought less as I age, except with unwanted memories. Those memories are from a time when I was a dervish of overthinking social situations, relationships, and intimacy. Shy, inexperienced, with great social anxiety, and lacking social skills not being able to comprehend emotional content, my mind sought out a reductio ad absurdum. In other words my mind sabotaged me at every opportunity. And it did not want to let go . . . . . I self rejected to the point of almost not losing my virginity when I heard NO when she assented. Happily, we worked out my misunderstanding. I tell ya, life is full of (mis)adventures, many of our own doing.
Whatta group, love ya all. I have overthought less as I age, except with unwanted memories. Those memories are from a time when I was a dervish of overthinking social situations, relationships, and intimacy. Shy, inexperienced, with great social anxiety, and lacking social skills not being able to comprehend emotional content, my mind sought out a reductio ad absurdum. In other words my mind sabotaged me at every opportunity. And it did not want to let go . . . . . I self rejected to the point of almost not losing my virginity when I heard NO when she assented. Happily, we worked out my misunderstanding. I tell ya, life is full of (mis)adventures, many of our own doing.

Wow, your brain was against you losing your virginity? Was it simply awkward shyness? I felt like a virgin in my marriage of 18 years. I think l packed it away on dry ice and raised a daughter. Lol. Our only prison- our mind.......

Only at this forum do we hear the ups and downs of body parts. Hahaha
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Wow, your brain was against you losing your virginity? Was it simply awkward shyness? I felt like a virgin in my marriage of 18 years. I think l packed it away on dry ice and raised a daughter. Lol. Our only prison- our mind.......

Only at this forum do we hear the ups and downs of body parts. Hahaha
@Aspychata , you cheer me up! I don't think it was shyness at that point because it was at the end of a wonderful day of intensely getting to know each other, and I fell for her such that making love felt to me like a logical conclusion to our happy enjoyment of the day. Perhaps the well-worn pathway of expecting rejection kicked in to color my thinking and do whatever it did to deflect me. I think that's it.

[edit] I am happy that I did not take my Mind's NO, for an answer. Little did I know that a lot of healing started that evening. And, as I've learned, healing for both of us.
You know me what people told me when I shared my overthinking with others...

'You think too much'

I would ask them, "How do you not think?"

It was an eye-opener for me when I realized late in my teen years that:
A) Many people capable of not thinking.
B) They actually liked it, or at least found thinking to be a hassle.
For people who are not naturally inclined to think, thinking is hard work. Just as some people are naturally better at lifting heavy objects or running down a game animal, some are going to find thinking easier. From a practical perspective, it pays to have other people do the thinking for you if you believe they are more knowledgeable than you. Even if you were above average in thinking, there are still better thinkers than you to think about things that are not within your immediate needs. And half the population is already below average to start with, anyhow.
Sometimes I have projects with problems that I have to solve and until I do, I can not sleep or pay attention much of anything else. I think (that is the problem) that it would be nice if I had a switch to shut my brain off for a while. Of course my wife would have to turn me back on in the morning. She might leave me turned off for awhile just to get a break from the weirdness. Oh well, I could use the rest.

yeh, it's the not being able to turn it off at will that's the problem.

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