They are like a back ground noise or the Muzak in the store. They are a part of my experience of
existance. Perhaps it is like a receiver for the universal ALL.
The one time I tried Prozac, it slowed down the continous thoughts and I didn't like how it felt.
It felt like my brain had been given a shot of novacaine.
Even though I like this time of night with no noise, there is noise.
Tinnitus- an ever ringing in the ears. It would be nice to experience the quiet without it, but, it is there.
There is also a sound that I don't really hear until the electricity suddenly shuts off.
Then I am aware something that I am used to is gone. There is a difference.
Even though it may seem silent, it isn't. The electricity running through the house must make
a sound level I'm not aware of.
I've heard others speak of this. It's not the buzz either that many say then can hear.
Sound is also multiple levels. So may be thoughts?
What IS a thought anyway? Science, last I knew, still had not found the seat of the mind. Thoughts.
All the little consciousnesses, each thinking they are individual, each connected to the all of ONE.