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Things on tv that scared you as a child?

Another one was the episode(s) of Scooby Doo with the specter. Especially where they searched the whole building to no avail, then as they were standing outside they showed the specter looking out the window.
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Are You Afraid of the Dark? Perhaps no one's mentioned it because it was so terrifying they blocked out the memory ha ha. The opening titles alone were probably the scariest thing I saw on TV at that age... except for the episode about the little mute ghost girl in the mirror. That one got to me.
I don't think I ever saw it as a child, but this super-rare short film of Hansel and Gretel that Tim Burton made for the Disney Channel (which only aired once) probably would have sent me running for cover. :eek:

Mine would have to be some music video I saw on a music channel. :P
Can't remember the name of the song but in the video there were these puppets that looked freaky.
When I was a kid I rented "The Fly", with Jeff Goldblume, thinking it was going to be like spiderman. As it got going I thought it was just some sort of 80's attempt at a superhero movie, really intense like Robocop. It didn't finally sink in until he melted off a dudes hand with acid puke. I had nightmares for years up until a few months ago when I forced myself to watch it again
At primary school age, my friends all loved watching Dr Who on TV, but it would scare me so I couldn't sleep. Later years it became a favourite.

As a teenager I loved the qwerkiness of The Twilight Zone. But even then there would be the occasional one that was difficult to sleep after.

Now, I'm a little picky what I watch, especially as my youngest son is still fairly sensitive.
This is probably going to sound crazy, but when I was little I was terrified of Seseme Street. I can't remember the exact reason why. I remember it had to deal with the cartoony credits they used to use at the end of the show in the early 2000s. I also think there was something involving bats too that made me terrified of the show. Not the purple bat character (I think the Count is his name) but actual bats. Maybe it was part of a nightmare I had when I was little. I don' remember.

Another show I was terrified of was Wallace and Gromit. I vaguely remember a particular episode involving sheep that scared me. To this day, I'm a bit hesitant about watching any sort of claymation tv show/ movie.
This is probably going to sound crazy, but when I was little I was terrified of Seseme Street. I can't remember the exact reason why. I remember it had to deal with the cartoony credits they used to use at the end of the show in the early 2000s. I also think there was something involving bats too that made me terrified of the show. Not the purple bat character (I think the Count is his name) but actual bats. Maybe it was part of a nightmare I had when I was little. I don' remember.

Another show I was terrified of was Wallace and Gromit. I vaguely remember a particular episode involving sheep that scared me. To this day, I'm a bit hesitant about watching any sort of claymation tv show/ movie.

The count used to count flying bats, among many other things. Claymation actually can be kinda weird. Maybe its that can do anything with clay bodies thing. Wasn't there a 'Terminator' style robot under the dog in the W&G sheep movie?

I loved watching monster and sci-fi movies late on Friday and Saturday but literally couldn't watch the original opening sequence of 'Chiller Theatre'.:eek: When it shifted to the hand with six fingers I was very relieved.
I remember the Show Saphire and Steel used to freak me out a bit, there was one episode in particular where people had no faces which was really disturbing.

Dr Who..terrible special FX but still somehow very scary

A New Zealand series called under the mountain...still scary.
Anyone remember "Courage the Cowardly Dog"? Half the stuff in that show scared the pants off of me as a kid.
Lots of things, and they scare me now too. Even though the probabilities are low, the simple thought that something will not happen because it has not happened before doesn't mean it won't happen. For me.
This is probably going to sound crazy, but when I was little I was terrified of Seseme Street. I can't remember the exact reason why. I remember it had to deal with the cartoony credits they used to use at the end of the show in the early 2000s. I also think there was something involving bats too that made me terrified of the show. Not the purple bat character (I think the Count is his name) but actual bats. Maybe it was part of a nightmare I had when I was little. I don' remember.

Is this what you're talking about?

I personally think this is hard to top when it comes to scary stuff on Sesame Street:

Maybe that's not surprising since the weird face thing actually originated in an intentionally creepy short film by Jim Henson (with music and sound effects by the great Raymond Scott):

There was no TV show that scared me, but the Wizard of Oz scared me to death when it was shown each year. It wasn't the witch or the flying monkeys. The scene that caused nightmares that lasted for a couple weeks was when they meet the Wizard.

The Wizard of Oz witch and the monkeys scared me so much that I've had bad dreams with them ever since. That d*** witch would show up outside my school bus window when I was in kindergarten. I'd swear I saw her learing at me as she flew level with the window. :eek: :( :oops:
Ms. Piggy terrified me. She was just so... domineering. Also Dark Crystal. That was pretty scary. In fact, after rewatching it as adult, I can safely say I made a good call on that one.

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