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Things that people do that really annoy you

That sentiment is offensive to many aspies on this forum. We all try very hard to be supportive of each other and refrain from statements that some will find hurtful.

Your atheism or agnosticism will be respected by believers here and they ask in return only that you do not attack their beliefs.

I was stating that ignorant justification is what bothers me. Such as mis-defining evolution, or claiming that Atheists have some regard to the moral character or Charles Darwin.
I was stating that ignorant justification is what bothers me. Such as mis-defining evolution, or claiming that Atheists have some regard to the moral character or Charles Darwin.
In other words, what annoys you is when people set up a straw man or ad hominem argument?
That annoys me too...I hate bad logic and faulty arguments regardless of whether I agree or disagree with the position/belief of the person making the argument.
(In fact, I hate bad arguments/faulty logic even more when it comes from someone with whom I agree. Such things can make even a true position look bad, and lose credibility in people's minds.)
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People who can't understand a train connection or how to enter their cellphone pin. Seriously, how hard can this sh*t be?
That sentiment is offensive to many aspies on this forum. We all try very hard to be supportive of each other and refrain from statements that some will find hurtful.

Your atheism or agnosticism will be respected by believers here and they ask in return only that you do not attack their beliefs.

Thank you, Loomis. I second what you said.

What STUPID things that CERTAIN PEOPLE do that really ANNOY ME are people on this site that keep saying disrespectful and insulting comments about religion trying to get a rise out of other religious believers on this site probably due to the fact that they themselves are conflicted with their own beliefs. Stop putting others down because it sure isn't helping to build you up any.

Another thing, I had to try to justify my religious beliefs with you on another thread. It's very interesting that you are still attacking people of faith. Maybe it's because you're really in denial. Maybe you should stop fighting it and try coming on over to the other side. ;) Peace be with you!
Saying someone should be more respectful is not justification. It is totally ducking the claims and instead pointing out their level of respect. In my view, I would expect more of an aspie than to fall for emotionally sappy and entirely illogical fairy tales. That's a stupid thing that bothers me.
In my view, I would expect more of an aspie than to fall for emotionally sappy and entirely illogical fairy tales. That's a stupid thing that bothers me.

I totally agree. Any belief system has to be livable, logical and supported by science. I know many Christians including scientists, archeologists and historians share this sentiment.
So... as much as it might seem perfectly in line with the topic (stupid things that annoy you). This topic should not become a debate on religion. We have a topic about this, as well as some strict rules on religion.

As a moderator I'm not going to start by looking who started this issue in this thread, but I will put it out there, that this topic had it's last mention about religion.

Thank you!

For reference; General Rules & Guidelines | AspiesCentral.com
My sincere apologies for going off topic. Was momentarily confused which thread I was in.
Saying someone should be more respectful is not justification. It is totally ducking the claims and instead pointing out their level of respect. In my view, I would expect more of an aspie than to fall for emotionally sappy and entirely illogical fairy tales. That's a stupid thing that bothers me.

I would stop while you're ahead because all you're doing is making Aspies look bad. If you read most of my latest posts, you would know that I'm an NT. I choose to remain on this site because I have made some really great friends and I respect the views of everyone that I have met here - even the Atheist. However, I think that I have been nice with you long enough and now I'm getting tired of defending myself and my religious beliefs to you. I don't think you deserve my respect anymore. So in saying that, with all due respect, I think you were wrong when you said on another thread that you have Aspergers - I think you really do have ASSpergers and are also in denial of that, as well.
I would stop while you're ahead because all you're doing is making Aspies look bad. If you read most of my latest posts, you would know that I'm an NT. I choose to remain on this site because I have made some really great friends and I respect the views of everyone that I have met here - even the Atheist. However, I think that I have been nice with you long enough and now I'm getting tired of defending myself and my religious beliefs to you. I don't think you deserve my respect anymore. So in saying that, with all due respect, I think you were wrong when you said on another thread that you have Aspergers - I think you really do have ASSpergers and are also in denial of that, as well.

There we go, another ad-hominem attack!

Once again, you've refused to give an example and yet responded with a personal insult.
Saying someone should be more respectful is not justification. It is totally ducking the claims and instead pointing out their level of respect. In my view, I would expect more of an aspie than to fall for emotionally sappy and entirely illogical fairy tales. That's a stupid thing that bothers me.

Completely disregarding the religious comments, I am offended by the belief that anyone is required to provide justification to you or anyone else. We here have many varied beliefs and we can still form valuable connections by being respectful and open-minded. If you want to bash everyone who disagrees with you, the only appropriate place would be on a forum where everyone agrees with you … but I imagine that wouldn't be much fun for you. Please stop trolling, and continue to work through this with your therapist.

The direct connection to this thread is this: the stupid thing that people do that really annoys me is when they act (& believe) that others owe them justification for anything. We're all equals here.
Can you link me to the topic that is a debate on religion then?

It would seem you have found that thread already. I mean, you're all over this thread; Aspergers and Religion | Page 6 | AspiesCentral.com

And for the record, this is the most of a debate you will get on religion on this forum in said thread. If you would like to debate religion, I would advise you to find a different place to debate this topic. We don't have rules in place on this topic for no reason.
Arrogance, or when a group of people put you down just to make themselves feel better. I used to hang out with someone who was two-faced and talk down to me in front of more popular people, just to disassociate with me. Actually that happened to me a lot of times.

I also hate the concept of 'owning another machine because the administrator is a stoop id noob' or this crappy hacker attitude that it's their giving rights too :/

They always learn the hard way that bigger and badder bullies, called the FBI has the same idea about little arrogant s***s who break into other people's machines because they were too stupid or arrogant to think that there couldn't possibly be other ways of tracking someone down over the Internet besides hiding behind tons of proxies, the tor network, or VPN. I'm sorry but all those things won't replace stupidity and the risk you run whenever you engage in illegal hacking :|
There are too many to choose from. One I've dealt with a bit recently is that I find it frustrating when people don't exhibit common manners. I went to all that effort to learn typical social expectations and then they don't use them. It's like changing the rules in the middle of a game.
Manners, people in this country are so wrong about manners. The people that stalk me, that harass me, that violate me make sure every day to say excuse me and I am sorry.
Do you think I care about manners anymore? NOT

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