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Things that people do that really annoy you

People who disrespect other people.

For example: this guy I used to live with is continually disrespecting his mother. His mother is in her mid 70's and suffers from Parkinson's, which is gradually getting worse. There are times I wish he would shut the fsck up. If he were to talk to my mother the way he talks to his, my mother would have hit him up along the head with a marble rolling pin every time he'd give my mom lip. There have been plenty of times that I wanted to take a baseball bat made of African Blackwood (the same type of wood that is used in making professional-model clarinets). Unfortunately, African Blackwood is selling for $20,000 US per board foot.

Never teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time, and annoys the pig.
Their hypocricy pisses me off. They also script and stim, but when I do it they feel like it entitles them to treat me like a child.

I'd reciprocate, but I don't really speak to children in particularly different tones than I use with adults. I guess I could speak to them like I'd speak to an adorable dog, but they're not actually adorable so it feels wrong.
People that don't leave you alone!people that keep touching you!!!
Teasing you!
People generally annoy me
Oh AJ, I am sooooo there too. Annoying to say the least. Intrusive self absorbed assholes that spells it out more clearly.
There are too many to choose from. One I've dealt with a bit recently is that I find it frustrating when people don't exhibit common manners. I went to all that effort to learn typical social expectations and then they don't use them. It's like changing the rules in the middle of a game.
I agree with this so much. I'd even word it the same way - I watch people and learn all these different rules that THEY set, and feel like the only person following them. People treat each other like dirt, but get upset when they get treated badly in return. It doesn't make any sense to me. If you act badly, you can't complain when you're treated the same way. But nobody else gets that.
I agree with this so much. I'd even word it the same way - I watch people and learn all these different rules that THEY set, and feel like the only person following them. People treat each other like dirt, but get upset when they get treated badly in return. It doesn't make any sense to me. If you act badly, you can't complain when you're treated the same way. But nobody else gets that.

They seem to "get" it instinctively when it's them "punishing" me for some oversight, like how terribly rude I am to not appreciate their baby voices.

And them not following their own rules… Well, depending on the specific rules, it's mostly so they can have a standard to hold you to that they don't have to follow. Something about perceived rank and demonstrating power. I wonder if there is a polite way of telling them that.
They seem to "get" it instinctively when it's them "punishing" me for some oversight, like how terribly rude I am to not appreciate their baby voices.

And them not following their own rules… Well, depending on the specific rules, it's mostly so they can have a standard to hold you to that they don't have to follow. Something about perceived rank and demonstrating power. I wonder if there is a polite way of telling them that.
Yeah, that always bothered me, too. I KNOW they know that something is wrong, because when it's done to THEM, they get upset and make a big issue out of it. So why do they do it to other people? Blehgerble.

Another thing that drives me crazy is when people ask me for "some" of something, and get upset when I want them to be more specific. But come on, how much is "some"? A pinch? A double handful? An acre? Would it kill to give me a teeny tiny hint? :p
When someone talks to me in a babying voice, I tend to assume there's something wrong with their brain. The problem is, if there is "not" (as in, they're just regular patronisers), they likely won't notice because I don't really speak any differently or get any more patronising (I think) to people who have reduced cognitive ability. Or maybe I do, and the reason they don't notice is that they're too busy being patronising themselves…
Yeah, that always bothered me, too. I KNOW they know that something is wrong, because when it's done to THEM, they get upset and make a big issue out of it. So why do they do it to other people? Blehgerble.

Another thing that drives me crazy is when people ask me for "some" of something, and get upset when I want them to be more specific. But come on, how much is "some"? A pinch? A double handful? An acre? Would it kill to give me a teeny tiny hint? :p

"It's going to take a little while"
"Any idea how long?"
"A little while, but not too long"
"So when should I check back with you?"
"Before too long, in a little while"
"Are we talking nanoseconds? Years? MILLENNIA? HOW FRIKKIN LONG??"
*head explodes*
Came across this article which eloquently speaks of how people can overdo it in terms of showing sympathy.
The Last Psychiatrist: Funeral
While over-expression of sympathy is more common among NTs, it is not practiced by all of them. After all, the writer of the article is (probably) an NT, as are those individuals mentioned who give appropriate space.
When someone talks to me in a babying voice, I tend to assume there's something wrong with their brain.

In a similar vein, there are those who have to make every sentence sound like a question. You don't have to go to a higher register to end a sentence, we can mostly figure out that the sentence is over through other cues.
Here's one I was talking about with my wife last night from my younger days...

I had a summer job at a factory, and got onto the night shift, just as they took on a new batch of day staff. They gave each staff member a basic toolbox of the most common tools. However, there weren't enough toolboxes and I was told I'd now have to share mine with a day shift worker. Next day when I arrived at work I was told he hadn't been able to do his job because he couldn't find the tool box. Next time I was to leave it on his work bench. Next day he couldn't find the tools, so I was asked to leave them on top of the staff lockers. He never found them there either, so next time I was to leave them on his workbench - where of course he never found them. And so it went on. Finally, I'd had enough. I abandoned my toolbox, and used the communal tools from the cupboard. The following afternoon when I was accosted because he couldn't find the tools yet again, I explained I hadn't used them, so they were right where he left them. I had no more problems with the toolbox after that!
#being called a retard/imbercile/invalid/burden by anyone-theyre stupid for making such offensive assumptions.
#being treated like a child-have earned the right to be called an adult by growing for the past thirty years like everyone else.
#people who arent disabled parking in disabled bays or using the toilets for disabled people.
#people who lie,especialy those who fake lives and disabilities online to take advantage of other peoples sympathy/pity/attention.
#all the care/support companies that charge such little wages and then wonder why they get sht staff.
#people who go on gaming or pc hardware forums and announce theyre female for the purpose of attention;and the males that treat them like theres never been any female gamers or techies before them because they dont recognise non girly females.

thats mine.
People who talk down to people. Like someone who's been at something a while treating the new guy like trash. Um, excuse me, you were new once. I mostly experience this in gaming and it drives me nuts. I dont care one bit about skill level, I care if I can get on with the person. The skill and knowledge will come!

And possibly the silliest thing ever - People ending questions with 'or'. I literally no joke ended a friendship over this. At the time I had no idea how to tell someone that this small insignificant thing drove me insane. I can handle it from time to time but this one friend insisted on putting it at the end of every single question and in my head I'm like "or what...? OR WHAT?? Tell me what!". The 'or' doesnt need to be there if there's nothing after it. So silly, heh.
Parents who favour their older kids over their younger ones. (Or vice versa.)

I see it almost every day in my job. The older child needs money for school and there isn't enough in his/her account...so they raid the account of the younger child. So what happens when it's time for the younger child's post-secondary education? Expensive student loans, I guess.
People who insist on an explanation of something about yourself.

People who go out the in door or in the out door.

People who cut across the parking lot the wrong way.

People who don't put lids on tight (understandable with disability).

People who insist you are "sick" and it was caused by "this".
People who talk down to people. Like someone who's been at something a while treating the new guy like trash. Um, excuse me, you were new once. I mostly experience this in gaming and it drives me nuts. I dont care one bit about skill level, I care if I can get on with the person. The skill and knowledge will come!

This is so why I will never do online gaming with someone - I need time to know what I'm doing and most of them are experts. I tried it with backgammon before (and I'm great at backgammon), but took too much time and they closed me out (that was very rude, of course, to me Miss Etiquette). Online gaming is definitely not for me.
I'm a field service tech. When I get done with a job, customers often ask what was wrong or what I did to fix it. I explain until it's obvious that their uncomfortable and have no idea what I'm talking about. If they didn't want to know, why did they ask? I could just say "it broke, I fix".
I'm a field service tech. When I get done with a job, customers often ask what was wrong or what I did to fix it. I explain until it's obvious that their uncomfortable and have no idea what I'm talking about. If they didn't want to know, why did they ask? I could just say "it broke, I fix".

Them: "I was hoping you could dumb it down enough to explain to me."
Me: "Ok, but that might take as much time as it did for me to fix it. Are we still on the clock?"
Them: "Never mind."
Me: "Uh huh." :p

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