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True or False


You've had a delayed epiphany that you had misinterpreted an entire conversation, days, weeks, even months after the conversation took place.
We don't have lakes, locally, but I imagine I'd enjoy it very much, as I enjoy swimming in the ocean (although, I'm sure, a very different experience).

You enjoy camping.
Neither true nor false. Some of my health issues improve in Winter. Others worsen. I'm honestly not a fan of either extreme.

You have dropped something important in the toilet before.
False, I love being immersed in all types of weather, although, not fond of high temperatures.

Let me reword that. I would actually love a house where it snows, and a house where the climate is mild/ warm, so that I can experience all of it. I'd prefer that the house in the warmer climate, be in close proximity to the ocean.

You enjoy creating/ designing/ making/ building things.
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Oh, yes! True. I was a figure skater in my youth, and so enjoyed watching vintage films of her skating.

You've participated in a sport, at some time in your life.
I have tried skating and it was very difficult and painful.
If you were ever to have any reason, or desire to try it, again, I could offer you some tips as to how to, possibly, make it more comfortable/ enjoyable.

True, particularly, various Jazz, experimental and folk artists from those eras, but, some rock as well.

You enjoy music of the 80's and/ or 90's.
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Ah, I understand. It does, indeed, hurt to fall on ice.

True! I'm usually not around quite as much as I have been, of late, due to daily life, but, have had some additional down time, and you've definitely been a pleasure to interact with!

You live in the same area that you've lived in, throughout most of your life.
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Hmm true i guess. I like seeing vintage dresses on other people. I also like them but i don't feel like they suit me.

You don't believe in astrology
True. I do enjoy coffee on the rare occasion, though.

You are early to bed, early to rise.

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