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True or False


You enjoy learning about/ listening to music, experiencing traditional foods of different cultures, countries.
True and false. I have 2 sisters. One can be a bit annoying, in a way. The other does not annoy me at all.

It is snowing, currently, in your area.
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False. But maybe I need reading glasses.. not sure.

You know how to drive a car with a stick shift.

False! I have a hard enough time not getting overwhelmed with an automatic.

You have a very particular sleep setup (e.g. specific amount of pillows in exact locations, certain blanket weight, etc).
Mostly true. I need two types of pillows to lay my head and one to hug. I find it hard to sleep if I don't have something to cling to.

You've been on a cruise ship.
Just the basic games, such as go fish, and so on

You can stand on your hands for 10 seconds (I'm running out of ideas: )

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