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True or False

Had a cat...still got the long legs.


You have a bronzed tan from the summer weather
I can't tan. I freckle...I used to tan good as a kid...my skin seems to have deteriorated. I'm a typical pale Northern European.


Your favorite Beatle is still alive
I want to ask: HOW? But its against the rules!

True apparently *just checked*

You like strategy games

Unless Pokemon is a strategy game...I liked that.. When I played video games. Mainly liked action-adventure games, 3rd person (e.g. MSG). Open world games specifically. (GTA 3-5, LA NOIRE, MAFIA II) I liked the cities.

You like Johnny Depp
True, although i am getting tired from seeing him and Amber whatever all over the internet

Ah, i suck at strategy games too, my main strategy is to hit the enemy really hard in all the games i play lol

You like Winona Ryder (i mean who doesn't?)

I liked his 90's movies. Donnie Brasco,Scizzorhands, Gilbert Grape, Fear & Loathing. His cameo in ELmstreet 1 (1984.)
I didn't know about his personal life. Never followed him. Didn't watch any of those Pirate Movies.

"Johnny Depp said he was 'horrific to live with' and a 'total moron' to let Kate Moss go
The Mirror|7 hours ago"

Yeah...dysfunctional. I lost respect for him, when I saw him selling aftershave, or something. He 's a good actor. I like him, in that respect. But he seems to have spiraled out of control.

I like her. For obvious reasons. I also think her Kleptomania makes her more endearing. lol She was arrested for that once.

You Like Nelly Furtado
True, i like most of what i know of her songs

He is definitely a good actor, although i didn't have a crush on him or anything growing up, like most girls did

Your personality didn't change much from when you were younger

My personality ....hmnnn....I'm still as weird as ever, but more confident, I think. But I'm probably not a good judge of things, pertaining to myself. Maybe I haven't changed at all.

You have dreams about celebrities
True. Coffee, I like it very much.

I dreamt about comedian, I kicked him in the head. Also Nelly Furtado...she was trying to grope me, she was in hot pants. I was into it....but I kept getting distracted, I was busy with other things. So we didn't get far. I have lots of celebrity appearances in dreams. Also I was superman, (but I had wolverine claws, and I cut her. ) and I met lois Lane (Margot Kidder/Kate Bush type model woman...body to die for..) That time. Very graphic. Explicitly so. Sigh...my dreams are so perverted. lol

You have punched somebody in the face.

I have smoked once or twice as a kid. Never took up the habit. Plenty did tho. I have punched somebody I the face. I am male. lol. so of course. That goes with the territory.

You wish you were born into Royalty

You wear a lot of white clothing because you like the purity of having no sex

awfully specific that one...lol

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