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True or False

False lol, i don't associate purity with no sex neither the color White hahaha

You have trouble with time management

I'm wearing white right now actually...it's not my usual colours....that's just something I read about color psychology....probably pseudoscience. Also a paraphrase of a Kate bush line.

You watched a lot of cartoons when you were a kid
True, i watched tv and read books all the time

You used to read a lot of books when you were younger
False, i am way too lazy. Although i do like to take walks while listening to music and daydreaming.

You like to watch figure skating

Will lift things occasionally...as far as cardio...can go fast for...brief spurts....am lazy most of the time though...

You like to watch monster trucks, preferably run over and crush other monster trucks
True. Thundercats,regular cats, any 'ol cats.

You smoke nervously while waiting for work to come to an end, and fantasizing about Japanese culture.

oddly specific...ha
Lol so true, i don't smoke at work though i would if it was allowed

You like to watch mystical and erotic Kate Bush videos while waxing poetic about her genius
True. You know me too well.

You eat eastern delicacies while watching bad anime dubs, and feel deep joy while listening to a girl sing about how much she likes to pon
True, i like both of these things! Although now that the song popped in my head i have to listen to it again..

You have gone to a concert before
True. Gatecrashed one aswell. (outdoors.)

You have an overwhelming burning desire to desperately nibble on a chicken nugget right now.

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