Have you ever seen the film called The Mexican, with Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts? At one point...I think it was she who said to the question about love: Sometimes love is not enough.
So, to me this means...you might love someone unconditionally, but this in no way negates the fact that if the person you love is having a negative impact on you or those you care about, then that means you should not tolerate it...or remain with this person...
...cuz no matter how much you love them...or whether the love is "conditional" or "true", either way, sometimes love itself is just not enough.
Take a mother whose son has turned to drugs to cope with life's trials and tribulations, like in the film Requiem for a Dream. (Yes, I often use movies to help me to better understand human nature and its perpetually fluctuating nature.) Should such a mother tolerate her alone nefarious behavior, especially if he's stealing from her and those she cares for or are within her proximity? Should the needs of the one be placed at a higher priority than herself or the many? Or paraphrasing the Vulcans of Star Trek say: Why should the needs of the of the one outweigh the needs of the many...
...or I say: the needs of yourself?
I think the line from The Mexican sums it up the best: Sometimes love is not enough?
Sometimes you need...more. Sometimes you need your needs...your self respect...your happiness to come first.
Especially when anothet's happiness comes at the expense of your own.
Especially when another's love is so conditional it could be detrimental to you both...
...but most definitely detrimental to YOU!
Not to be selfish or self serving.
But for the same reason the airlines caution adults to place the airmask on yourself before doing so for your children...
....we must also be certain our needs are priority before we think of worrying about another's.
Self love...self compassion...and self respect must come before all other loves....
Everyone deserves to be loved unconditionally. So, I think...just because you love someone it doesn't mean they deserve that love.
This is my conclusion.
This is what I know. This is the purpose of love...from my own personal perspective
This is sort of what I was trying to say in my post about the difference between love and relationships, and elaborates on what I was too tired and lazy to exlore very much.