Oh this is an easy one, the few people I've been deluded enough into revealing how I felt about them 'all' let me down in one form or another. As an adult I've never seen any signs of anyone being interested (I see everything and pick up on a lot of things, if it was there I'd see it). Also it's hard to make a connection and never does it progress beyond chatting (usually just on a friendly level, but normally not as friends).
Do you feel as though this is unique to you? That other guys, whether on the spectrum or not, can get it going with the right woman for them, but you alone can't?
I'm really loathe to point this out but you are far from the only person to be "unlucky" in love. In my younger years I had so many unrequited interests it's beyond a joke. Many disastrous attempts, false starts, flat out rejections, embarrassments and painpainpainpain.
And you know something I learnt after all that, and after being cheated on by everyone I was serious about and being turned down and being pushed away? I was trying too hard. I was looking for companionship so hard that it was making me desperate.
It was when I stopped looking that it happened. Suddenly the right person came to me. He didn't even look like the person I thought I was looking for.
I won't say there weren't problems, because there were. I had a lot of crap I'd been carrying around that I had to work through, but we felt we were meant to be together (still do after eight years) so we have stuck it out.