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Video chat

What your describing is probably something most of us can relate to, I'd surmise. I have tried my very best, not knowing I was "neurospicy" and an autist, for most of my life, but, the "Uncanny Valley" thing, I think, still persists, no matter how hard we try. We are just Oddites.
Certainly I know that there are people who might think they like me, but, from experience, I can't keep them impressed, given time, because I just don't have the amount of social energy needed to keep up friendships, and I'm not willing (or, most likely, capable) of conforming, to the standards, required of the social (unspoken) rules of the quote unquote neurotypical world.
Worse than being alone, I have found, is being surrounded by people who act like they despise you and are only using you. THAT is lonelier than alone IME.

I used to get time jamming and admittedly, there is something magical about a good jam session. I just can't maintain social opportunities for myself, for the reasons above. So solo it's gonna have to be. I'm guessing.
"Uncanny valley" was a very pertinent term. They think we are not quite alive, and it freaks them out. I wish someone had simply explained that to me. They think we are like one huge Addams family.
When ever my friend wants to do a video call through whatsapp, it comes up so suddenly that I press and tell her, stop this, because I cannot stand it. However, when she did it last, I must have pressed something and saw that I was not on camera, but my surroundings, which made it easier.

These confounded things let you see yourself, with is a nightmare to me.

So, unfortunately, no video link.
When ever my friend wants to do a video call through whatsapp, it comes up so suddenly that I press and tell her, stop this, because I cannot stand it. However, when she did it last, I must have pressed something and saw that I was not on camera, but my surroundings, which made it easier.

These confounded things let you see yourself, with is a nightmare to me.

So, unfortunately, no video link.
If you know anything about computers, you know that when you add to a number past its limit it wraps back around to zero, and that's basically where I am on humiliation. I have been so thoroughly wrecked and beaten down in my life, that I could not possibly humiliate myself worse simply by being seen, and then I also remind myself that the people who did it to me have a lot more to be ashamed of than I ever could or will.
People often these days are focused too much on results not efforts, or wanting instant gratification, yet sometimes people won't make the efforts if they think they will not get perfect or quicker results. It takes much time, motivation and effort to do some project and I enjoy watching others grow with their music and other creations. Regarding music, the songs they pick too can be telling, and with the lyrics, and from how they play, sing, express and move in terms of their feelings, personality and style.

Hey, your guitar playing is great by my standards by the way. How long did it take you to do such? For the singing, the last video loved the best for preferred style, performance and song choice, but the other two had like an alternative grunge rock sound style that I was not sure if it was your intent but it showed your energy and some carefree and fun personality. Through writing you show that much too.
I think people automatically label it grunge when you force your voice to work in a range it doesn't want to, and it breaks up and produces that tortured Cobainian rasping, but in my case it's simultaneously a necessity because my natural vocal range is tiny, but besides, it's fortuitous, because it fits the mood of my existence. Once again, it feels like if life is going to be a disaster, at least I feel like fate is at work, and that's better than chaos.

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