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Sensitive Topic Vladimir Putin Said To Have Aspergers Syndrome

From the original article:

If that's what the report actually says, then yes, it is silly, no matter who it comes from, because as some of us have rightly pointed out, brain scans aren't part of the diagnostic process for Asperger's. Mistakes happen, but that's kind of a biggie to make.

Unless of course these Pentagon (what a cradle of truth that is) sanctioned specialists have developed some kind of method in which a simple brain scan can tell if a person has Asperger's. But if that's the case, they obviously haven't released let alone announced this quite important technology to the medical community, which would make me wonder about their motives for not doing so; given the affiliation with said Pentagon, I'd be tempted to think it's a political power thing, at which point I'd regard pretty much anything they say as a bit silly.

From the rather excellent article Sarsaparilla posted:

That's the thing with all of this really; it is nonsense. I like news stories about autism and Asperger's; I always hope it's something positive, but if it's negative, so be it. As long as it involves people who have actually been properly diagnosed with Asperger's. Anything else is speculation, and speculation leads to misinformation, of which there's more than plenty already.

I dont see the article as being ---- well, I dont see Putin poten---- well... hmm... It is only because an individual aspie can potentially be so advanced, not so much intellectually, but conceptually--- I do not beleive that Putin is a "good man", a moral one, and so that makes him potentially drastically more dangerous and power hungry and such. I just dont like it that one of "us", with so much potential for---- sh!t... forgot....what... I .... was... goin....to...say..... I am gonna delete this fn account within days, it is way too distracting from work
deema I have NO idea where you are getting this notion that Hitler was definitely an aspie; I would love to see some sources there. That said, I can't see you being particularly open to any other ideas here, so I'm done arguing the point with you.
It is silly if you just believe some MD who wrote psych books that were not sanctioned and is likely just there to sell books, just cause he said so.

It was Dr. Justin Frank who said this. He practices and teaches psychoanalysis in Washington, DC as a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the George Washington University Medical Center.

Yes, I'd likely take Dr. Frank's professional opinion over "Senior Fellow" (Brenda L. Connors) in the strategic research department at the Naval War College. After all, if I sought a professional diagnosis for Autism Spectrum Disorder it would be through a board certified psychiatrist or neurologist in good standing. Not a Pentagon bureaucrat.
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deema I have NO idea where you are getting this notion that Hitler was definitely an aspie; I would love to see some sources there. That said, I can't see you being particularly open to any other ideas here, so I'm done arguing the point with you.

Ill post details later, but here ya go... Michael Fitzgerald, an expert in autism spectrum disorders, concludes that Hitler suffered from, and met all the criteria of Asperger syndrome as documented by Hans Asperger.

As evidence of Asperger's Fitzgerald cites Hitler's poor sleep patterns, food fads, dislike of physical contact, inability to forge genuine friendships, and an emptiness in his human relations. His conversations in the Men’s Home in Vienna were really harangues and invited no reciprocity, for which he lacked this capacity. In Munich he was distant, self-contained, withdrawn and without friends. His comrades noted that he had no humanitarian feelings. He was obsessive and rarely made good or interesting company, except in the eyes of those who shared his obsessions or those in awe of, or dependent on him. He was single minded and inflexible. He spent a great deal of time with Albert Speer, examining architectural plans, and this remained a major focus of his life throughout. His other major interest was in the music of Wagner. His greatest interest, clearly, was in control over people and power over people.

Fitzgerald further states that Hitler was an ideologue with unshakable convictions, and had a bed compulsion, which demands that the bed be made in a particular way with the quilt folded according to a prescribed pattern and that a man must make the bed before he could go to sleep. He did not use language for the purpose of interaction with others, but only for the purpose of dominating others. He endlessly engaged in long-winded and pedantic speeches, with "illogical arguments full of crude comparisons and cheap allusions. " He was unable to carry on a normal conversation or discussion with people. Even if only one other person was present, he had to do all the talking. His manner of speech soon loses any conversational qualities it might have had and takes on all the characteristics of a lecture that may easily develop into a tirade. He simply forgets his companions and behaves as though he were addressing a multitude, repeating the same stories over and over again in exactly the same form, almost as though he had memorised them. After the First World War "his awkward mannerisms" were noted. At that time he wore his gangster hat and trenchcoat over his dinner jacket, toting a pistol and carrying as usual his dog whip, he cut a bizarre figure in the salons of Munich’s upper-crust. But his very eccentricity of dress and exaggerated mannerisms… saw him lionized by condescending hosts and fellow guests. In his early days he wore the Bavarian costume. His clothes were not clean; with his mouth full of brown, rotted teeth and his long fingernails he presented a rather grotesque figure. His gait was a very lady-like walk. Dainty little steps. Every few steps he cocked his right shoulder nervously, his left leg snapping up as he did so. He also had a tic in his face that caused the corner of his lips to curl upwards. People found his look "staring and dead. "

Fitzgerald claims, therefore, that Adolf Hitler meets the criteria for autistic psychopathy described by Hans Asperger and was not schizophrenic.

... Oh, and I, of course, had to log back in to get this outta me... So, do you still have NO idea where I got that? It is funny, to me, the passive aggressiveness, in that.. Essentially suggesting that I was wrong without actually saying it.. But again, of course, the same message is received, cause I pay attention. And then

. That said, I can't see you being particularly open to any other ideas here, so I'm done arguing the point with you.[

What "other ideas"? You mean the only other one, that Putin is NOT an aspie? Or the idea that the government would just rely on a voodoo doll approach with something such as this? Or what? Something to understand about me, I am open to ALL ideas unless they contradict or contrast what is more likely than not, to be the case. It is impossible to argue against evidence, data, stats, logic, etc, so that is the only type of argument that is worth approaching me with. I never downplay possibilities, only the probability of those possibitlieis.
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Some would call me a "conspiracy theorist" (which I hate that term), but looking over the article I'm wondering if there isn't something more behind all of this. Aspies can do all kinds of jobs, so why is this even a big concern whether Putin is an Aspie - which has been denied.

On Thursday, a spokesman for Putin rejected the claim that he has Asperger's, labeling it "stupidity not worthy of comment," according to Agence France-Presse

What bothers me more is how AS was picked as the "problem" why Putin is acting like he is. My Aspie friend is wanting to be a Speech Pathologist and I have told him several times not to say anything about his "Aspieness" because it will affect his chance of getting a good job. I had to sign a sheet at work about whether I had any listed disabilities and "Autism" was on there. (See the copy below). Note how it says "they will not use it against you". That's ********! They will use it against you and this article about Putin is proof of that. Aspies are now being seen by our government as having "abnormalities" and using one of our worst national enemies as the poster child for AS should be shocking to anyone with Aspergers.


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Ill post details later, but here ya go... Michael Fitzgerald, an expert in autism spectrum disorders, concludes that Hitler suffered from, and met all the criteria of Asperger syndrome as documented by Hans Asperger.

Michael Fitzgerald has a history of labelling historical characters and politicians with autism or Asperger's. According to wikipedia, his research has been 'heavily criticised, and described by some as "fudged pseudoscience" and "frankly absurd"' Retrospective diagnoses of autism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A quick Google search leads to the discovery that Hitler has been diagnosed with various things by various 'experts' including schizophrenia, drug addiction, bipolar, depression. (for example Hitler - A Portrait in Evil Insane or Just Evil? A Psychiatrist Takes a New Look at Hitler - NYTimes.com He was undoubtably an unpleasantly complex man, and Fitzgerald has just taken those aspects of his personality that *could maybe* fit a diagnosis of Asperger's while ignoring those that don't - like his charisma and ability to inspire followers and gain and keep power despite being surrounded by the sort of people who would prey on any sign of weakness like Goebbels and Himmler.

And that's the danger of diagnosis from a distance as has happened with Putin. It's easy to cherry pick those aspects of a personality that fit the diagnosis while ignoring those that don't, when the person isn't there in front of you to take you through their whole life and do a proper diagnosis. They could have probably easily pinned another diagnosis on Putin, it just happened that Asperger's was the most convenient at the time.
I think he has dictator disease. No matter where they start, most dictators seem to end up following the same negative psychological path. Power as a pathogen so to speak.
Putin is one of those people everyone loves to hate.

Still, you gotta respect his intelligence. If you do a research about his history, you'll conclude that he's a genius.
Too bad he's evil and corrupted.
there is only one way to find out is to see if he has any family members diagnosed with it I was officially diagnosed at aged two that means lots of relatives on my dads side have it like my grandfather Asperger's is a genetic disorder its a gene so it means my offspring will have it.

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