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Wearing diapers/ nappies

Hi, I'm EricD. I was a VERY late bloomer. Didn't walk or talk until 4, almost 5, day train until around 8 or 9. I still wear pullups to bed at night. Besides Aspergers I also am developmentally delayed and have FAS. To me, wearing a pullup us as normal as wearing eyeglasses.
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Hey Nate, do you have a reason to wear them? I'll tell you that they're expensive.

If you scroll right back up to the top of this very page you will see the reasons I gave. And there's no need to tell me they're expensive as I am quite aware of that fact, thank you.
It's true, they are quite pricey, especially if you are wearing daily. For me they are more of a treat as my desire to wear comes and goes.
I'm considering wearing again. I have a bunch left over from my last binge/purge cycle, but the opportunity really hasn't presented itself.
Apparently there is a neurological connection with incontinence and autism.

That said, I think if adults find comfort in a type of underwear that is hardly going to be seen by anyone else, then the problem is?

In a humorous light, I imagine that nappies would actually be far more comfortable than regular underwear; imagine sitting on a hard bike saddle with that extra padding for comfort.

We have friends with a lad, 15 now, who is Fragile X, has always been in nappies and likely always will be.

Maybe whether for a medical reason or not, if a person wears nappies as a preference, I don't think 'weirdo' at all, more that there are far more important things going on in the world to be worrying about.

Each to their own.
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If I did (and I don't and never will) I certainly wouldn't post about it, I get enough abuse online as it is purely for being unemployed.
i am 33 and have to wear nappies as i cant 'feel' my bladder or bowel-a common sensory issue from more severe classic autism,plus i struggle to understand the concept of going to the toilet despite the use of PECS charts,but i am getting new PECS to help.
No, it's a medical condition.
fragile X syndrome

I think I might have seen people with this condition.

If I did (and I don't and never will) I certainly wouldn't post about it, I get enough abuse online as it is purely for being unemployed.

Well no, I imagine you would keep something like that to yourself except when the right time and place occurred to discuss it. I certainly hope the abuse isn't coming from someone on this site.

i am 33 and have to wear nappies as i cant 'feel' my bladder or bowel-a common sensory issue from more severe classic autism,plus i struggle to understand the concept of going to the toilet despite the use of PECS charts,but i am getting new PECS to help.

This raises some questions I'd like to be able to ask you. Is it okay if I PM you, or would you rather not go into detail?
I think I might have seen people with this condition.

Well no, I imagine you would keep something like that to yourself except when the right time and place occurred to discuss it. I certainly hope the abuse isn't coming from someone on this site.

This raises some questions I'd like to be able to ask you. Is it okay if I PM you, or would you rather not go into detail?
hi! you are welcome to PM me,i will warn in advance im not good at answering quickly or at all when im feeling particulary uncommunicative and unsociable,but your best bet is to ask them here-im ok with it-to me its just a function output of the body,i dont see why some people see it as something to be ashamed of,and its a private board speaking of which.
pull ups could be worn for any purpose a person desires I suppose.
If they make you feel more secure and less anxious, go for it.
I have not worn diapers since I was potty trained at around 2 or 3 years old, and I hope I never have to wear them again. Or at least not until I'm too old to care anymore.

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