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What are some things that bring you joy?

I don't feel a lot of joy anymore either now that my family is gone.
The holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas were always happy and homey times then.
Decorating, presents, spending the day preparing the holiday meal for just the three of us. Happy memories.
Now I still enjoy nature, walking in the woods and watching animals. Espcially birds and deer.
Some TV or occasional movie. Sci-Fi and psychological thrillers.
Watching good documentaries about nature, space and the latest in science/physics.
Quiet meditation time with ambient music or guided imagery.
Staying up most of night reading, playing PC games and watching You Tube.
A rock concert of 80's music when I can afford it.
Video games, guns, and PCs.

Basically what I am saying is that I like PC games of the FPS genre, and I like shooting live firearms whenever I get the chance to. It's a ton of fun, especially with family. And, yes. I do wear hearing protection. Don't wanna go deaf.
Reading is one - it makes me sad when I am too overwhelmed by life stuff to do it. I will read ferociously for weeks and then something overloads me and I stop. I have learned this is only ever temporary though. I love any sort of bleak comedy, I have a dark humour so can appreciate that in my viewing. Think Black Books and such.

The feeling when you wriggle your toes in bed, get the pillows exactly right and your mind starts to settle. I look forward to that all day.

Taking care of my plants. I nurture, they grow or don't. But there's no complex emotions or blame system involved if they don't grow, which makes them preferable to partners and friends who seem to need so many things sometimes that it can be confusing and exhausting for me and does make me withdraw for periods to replenish. Walking my dog- with music in. That can give me a wonderful natural high quite often.

Cooking - the concentration required and the simplicity of chopping etc is a good way to keep myself in that one moment and shut out everything else.

My children, last but not least, they never fail to make me laugh. They are also not as complicated as the rest of my world can be! I am so grateful for them. My Aspie son and I have some excellent conversation. And do poke gentle fun at the other two if we are having affectionate debate about things.
I really love painting and art, reading, and going on adventures such as mountain climbing. I also really love watching documentaries and art videos on YouTube.
I really love painting and art, reading, and going on adventures such as mountain climbing. I also really love watching documentaries and art videos on YouTube.
I thought you were new here because I never seen your username and PFP before and ten I looked over and saw that you joined in 2015.
I enjoy playing Monster Hunter World. I am starting to get better at using Greatsword. True Charge Slash is one heck of a drug.
I love watching LOTR/Hobbit, reading Tolkien, playing Pokémon GO, walking in nature, animals and taking pictures;)
I love to watch LOTR/Hobbit too. Such a great movie franchise. I love to read and I’ve been reading Fern Michaels. She’s a great writer. I love to draw as well. It’s so fun and relaxing.
I love solitude.
I love watching underdog / misfit success movies.
I love long rocky hikes:

I love electronics design work:
Sipping the tears of my enemies like it was fine wine.
There's a God in heaven who knows human nature so well, he offered himself to be drunk like wine, and still people would rather bite each other.

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