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What are some things that bring you joy?

Hi everyone,

I find that it's easy to become so distracted by the many challenging forces that we may need to encounter daytoday, that we may need to remind ourselves what we would enjoy doing when we get the chance!:)

Consciously thinking about what you would like to do allows you to plan for it and increases your opportunity to do those things!

I would love to hear some hobbies that bring you all joy!

I love watching LOTR/Hobbit, reading Tolkien, playing Pokémon GO, walking in nature, animals and taking pictures;)
I love reading and people often do not make me happy and a just another cruel and nasty thing i have to endure.
Some people surprise me in moderation but when i am somewhere quiet by myself with a book I am truly happy.
You know people always make me unhappy generally more so than doing my own thing.

When I was in hospital I was in bed and comfortable with my books and in the waiting room with magazines and books often I do not care how long I have to wait.
If it had of been 2 or three hours well it is a quiet place where i can read a book and eat some snacks i packed.
I like doing things by myself. People often annoy and vex me but when I am on my own I am truly happy and free and feel like I can do everything even if it is a bit challenging.
I feel God purposely makes me feel like I cannot do it to stay chained to people like I need them.
I do not only for company in terms of affection or love and they are horrible company only in very small moderation. Like day to day interaction between strangers and acquaintances.
Close relationships...it makes me unhappy
And I am.happier alone doing my own thing.
If I could have a car then I'd drive to the beach alone and have a holiday alone.
I love my independence and doing things alone.

The things that bring me joy:
Are sunshine
Rain always as well as thunderstorms
Some books
Someone who is really nice.
Presents sometimes
My paintings
My faith always brought my joy and I have experienced angel presence and they a few times I have experienced it are so nice to me.
When God talks to me or gives me a hug.
Independence and feeling like I can do something well
Medical places because I think it is really cool because the people are getting cared for and helped and those people are like angels in their lives like the doctors, nurses, paramedics, medical staff and they are so brave the patients
I make myself happy because I love myself and know who I am despite any lies I receive.
90s, 2000s stuff.
Really small things make me happy.
I often think the less you have the more appreciate the small things I appreciate the little things because I have often been neglected and gone without.
Learning brings me the most joy. When I can teach myself something new or I work through a particularly complex problem, I am the happiest.
It does for me too depending on the context.
I like it when it makes sense I like it when it makes me smile a small truth hidden somewhere that makes you smile often.
"JOY" What a concept. I'm not sure I ever experienced joy, as I understand the it. The only time I feel happy is when I am lost in doing something and the whole rest of the world, especially people, sort of fade away and disappear. It doesn't really matter what it is, so long as I get lost in it. I can't stay there because someone is always disturbing me.
I understand joy
But I get you, people are often nasty abd bring you down
I like playing Go. I generally spend maybe an hour or more a day playing online. While I play, the rest of the world goes away. I suffer from tinnitus but while I am playing I don’t hear it. I have finished so many games to find a cold cup of tea next to me. I don’t know if there is joy, per se. What does that feel like? I am not sure I remember. My emotional scale doesn’t seem to go that high anymore. After many years of depression and anxiety, just not going into the depths is a plus. (Discovering my autism helped with this.) I am trying to find my way back.
Being among trees, lots of trees, better without people, makes me feel peaceful.
My family, husband, pets, and even the security of having a roof over my head keeps me going. Although I often whine about my upstairs neighbours, I'm still grateful I have a roof over my head. I'd just like to be able to live my home life without having to be so reliant on earplugs and headphones, as I don't feel my living condition is normal or even healthy.

But otherwise, here's some even smaller things in life that make me happy:-

Having my favourite meal (anything involving pasta)
Having my favourite drink (coke, although this is only an occasional treat, because of the extremely high calorie content)
Buying toys for my pets
Watching The Simpsons in bed on my DVD player. Or any show or movie, but something about the Simpsons makes me feel secure, like I'm entering Springfield and leaving my worries behind and just focusing on the shenanigans that go on in Springfield
Seeing new content that interests me on this forum (which isn't often)
Witnessing drama (but not being involved myself, as that just makes me anxious)
Fresh, new gossip (not celebrity gossip)
Having an order from Amazon arrive
Wrapping gifts up/watching loved ones unwrap them
Creating Sims content
Drawing and colouring, then showing people my work
Talking to someone close, about everything and anything
Making someone's else's day, pleasing someone with a compliment (and no, I'm not virtue-signaling, I literally feel happy when I've made someone else feel happy)
Meeting people who are not homophobes, racists, sexists or have some other form of discriminating, unintelligent behaviour going on. So sometimes it brings me joy to avoid places where they happen to be. Not the greatest of joys but still worth mentioning, since some humans, apparently, will always have this "need" to invent scapegoats in, what can only be, their miserable, boring lives. Happy, satisfied, curious and intelligent people never do so.
My partner
My friends
Hot shower
Hot bath
Wholesome people
Activity books
Learning new things
Days without anxiety

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